Apocalyptic woman / Book illumination / History 2 View Records
Apostle (Motif) / Book illumination / History / Paul Apostle 1 View Records
Ascension / Book illumination / Heinrich, II., Heiliges Römisches Reich, Kaiser 973-1024, Perikopenbuch / Reichenauer school of illustrators 1 View Records
Ashburnham-Pentateuch / Book illumination 1 View Records
Astrology / Astronomy / Book illumination / Christianity / Cultural contact / Handwriting / History 500-1500 / Islam / Judaism / Medicine / Transfer of scientific knowledge 1 View Records
Astrology (Motif) / Book illumination 1 View Records
Augsburg / Book illumination / History 1480-1540 1 View Records
Augsburg / Book illumination / History 1490-1510 1 View Records
Augustiner Chorherrenstift Neustift / Book illumination 1 View Records
Authoress / Book illumination / Christian literature / History 845-1310 / Image 1 View Records
Authorship / Book illumination / History 1172-1200 / Kloster Castiglione a Casauria 1 View Records
Aqsarāʾī, Muḥammad Ibn-ʿĪsā al- st. 1349 [750 H] / Book illumination / Cavalry / Egypt / Handwriting / Mamelucken / Riding 1 View Records
Altfried, von Münster, Bischof -849, Vita Liudgeri / Book illumination 1 View Records
Antiphonal (Bibliothèque Nationale de France) Ms. lat. 12044 / Book illumination / Piety 1 View Records
Antiphonal (Württembergische Landesbibliothek) Cod. Mus. I. 2° 64 / Antiphonal (Württembergische Landesbibliothek) Cod. Mus. I. fol. 63 / Book illumination / Gradual (Württembergische Landesbibliothek) Cod. Mus. I. 2° 65 / Spiritual music 1 View Records
Anselm, Canterbury, Erzbischof, Heiliger 1033-1109, Orationes sive meditationes / Book illumination / Stiftsbibliothek Admont 1 View Records
Babylon / Beatus-Apokalypsen / Book illumination / History 875-1250 / Serpents (Motif) 1 View Records
Babylon (Motif) / Beatus-Apokalypsen / Book illumination / Serpents (Motif) 1 View Records
Bamberger Apokalypse / Book illumination 2 View Records
Bavaria / Book illumination / History 1000-1100 1 View Records