Normandy / Anjou / Bishop / Election / History 1140-1230 1 View Records
Normandy / Anjou / Bishop / Election / History 1140-1230 / France 2 View Records
Normandy / England / Bishop / Episcopal nomination / History 1066-1216 / King / Spoils system 1 View Records
Bishop / Catholic church, Diözese Hildesheim / Church congregation / Election / History 1100-1550 / Conflict / Jakobikirche Goslar / Pastor 1 View Records
Bishop / Election / Gentiloni, Vincenzo Ottorino 1865-1916 / History 1905-1912 / Political Catholicism / Political influencing / Sicily / Sturzo, Luigi 1871-1959 1 View Records
Normans / Diözese Capua / Bishop / History 1058-1199 1 View Records
Normans / Diözese Capua / Bishop / Iannelli, Gabriele / History 1058-1199 1 View Records
Normandy / Anjou Family / Church / History 1190-1204 / Capetians / State 1 View Records
Nobility / Anglican Church / Bishop / England (Nord) / History 1630-1640 / Cooperation / Coke, John 1563-1644 / Patronage 1 View Records
Normandy / Geoffroy de Lèves -1149 / Bernard of Thiron ca. ca. 1046-1117 / History 1140-1143 / Hagiography 1 View Records
Bilz, Tobias 1964- / Bishop / Election / Evangelisch-Lutherische Landeskirche Sachsens / Geschichte 2020 1 View Records
Bishop / Cathedral chapter / Election / Papal legate 1 View Records
Bishop / Consensus / Election / Episcopal election 1 View Records
Bishop / Der Synodale Weg (Corporations) / Election / Layman / Worker-participation 1 View Records
Bishop / Election / Office 1 View Records
Nordstaaten, USA / Anglican Church / Bishop / Diplomacy / History 1861-1862 / Great Britain / McIlvaine, Charles Pettit 1799-1873 / Alliance policy 1 View Records
Normandy / Decretals / England / History 1100-1200 / Lanfranc, Canterbury, Erzbischof 1005-1089 / Compilation / Reception / Scholasticism 1 View Records
Normandy / Heinrich, II., England, König 1133-1189 / History 1157-1170 / England / International policy / Thomas a Becket 1118-1170 1 View Records
Normandy / Henry I England, King 1068-1135 / History 1100-1135 / England 1 View Records
Normandy / Eating and drinking customs / Balderich, von Bourgueil 1046-1130, Carmina / Epigram / History 1090-1100 1 View Records