Nicholas of Cusa 1401-1464 / Kreuzbrüderkloster, Library / Incunabulum / Orden vom Heiligen Kreuz / Geschichte 1488 1 View Records
Nicholas of Cusa 1401-1464 / Geschichte 1450 / Germany / Popular piety / Reform 1 View Records
Nicholas of Cusa 1401-1464 / Geschichte 1450 / Historiography / Astronomy / World history 1 View Records
Nicholas of Cusa 1401-1464 / Geschichte 1452 / Gutenberg, Johannes 1400-1468 / Letter of indulgence / Book printing 1 View Records
Nicholas of Cusa 1401-1464 / Gutenberg, Johannes 1400-1468 / Letter of indulgence / Geschichte 1452 1 View Records
Nicholas of Cusa 1401-1464 / Hildesheim / Geschichte 1451 1 View Records
Nicholas of Cusa 1401-1464 / Geschichte 1831 / Reception / Tübingen School (Catholic theology) 1 View Records
Nicholas of Cusa 1401-1464 / Geschichte 1881 / Biography 1 View Records
Catholic church, Diözese Paderborn / Kloster Falkenhagen / Inventory / Orden vom Heiligen Kreuz / Geschichte 1596 / Church property / Distribution / State 1 View Records
Nicholas of Cusa 1401-1464 / Geschichte 1800- / Philosophy / Reception / Religious philosophy / Theology 1 View Records
Nicholas of Cusa 1401-1464 / Jubilee / Geschichte 2001 2 View Records
Book printing / Geschichte 1483 / Incunabulum / Jacobus, Genua, Erzbischof 1228-1298, Legenda aurea / Lyons 1 View Records
Breydenbach, Bernhard von 1440-1497, Peregrinationes in terram sanctam / Geschichte 1486 / Incunabulum / Mainz 1 View Records
Geschichte 1482 / Haggadā šel Pesah / Incunabulum 1 View Records
Geschichte 1482 / Incunabulum / Ptolemaeus, Claudius 100-178, Geographia / Ulm 1 View Records
Geschichte 1477 / Hebrew language / Incunabulum / Old Testament / Psalms 1 View Records
Classification / Geschichte 1493 / Incunabulum / Gloss / Philosophy / Universitätsbibliothek Würzburg 1 View Records
Geschichte 1499 / Incunabulum / Missal / Pamplona 1 View Records
Catalog / Kloster Wickrath / John of Bongart -1571 / Orden vom Heiligen Kreuz / Geschichte 1565 / Monastery library 1 View Records
Nicholas of Cusa 1401-1464 / Geschichte Anfänge-1800 / Philosophy / Reception 1 View Records