New Testament / Primitive Christianity / Vatican Palace 2 View Records
New Testament / Primitive Christianity / Worship service 1 View Records
Buddhism / Preacher / Oral tradition / Literalness / Religious literature / Text 1 View Records
History 1000 BC-586 BC / Prophecy / Oral tradition / Literalness / Judea / Israel (Antiquity) / History 587 BC-332 BC 1 View Records
Barclay, William 1907-1978 / Pauline letters / Oral tradition / Literalness 1 View Records
Canon / Poetics / Oral tradition / Literalness / Didactics / Koran / Corruption / Literature / Consonant / Codex / Text / Text organisation / Text variant / Variante 1 View Records
Coming to terms with the past / Poetics / Oral tradition / Literalness / Kommunikationsgeschichte (Subject) / Jesus Christus / Memory / Historicity / Form criticism / Tradition 1 View Records
Literalness / Philosophy / Oral tradition 1 View Records
New Testament / Primogeniture / Old Testament / Literature / Early Judaism 1 View Records
Ad Smyrnaeos, Ignatius 10,2 / Bible. Offenbarung des Johannes 3,5 / Oral tradition / Literalness / Jesus Christus / Klemens, I., Pope, Epistula ad Corinthios 2. 3,2 / Historicity / Bible. Timotheusbrief 2. 2,12 1 View Records
Ancient Orient / Edition / Oral tradition / Literalness / Old Testament / History 2 View Records
Authorship / Primitive Christianity / Literacy / Literalness / Authorship / Primitive Christianity / Q / Social structure / Synoptic Gospels 1 View Records
Beda, Saint 672-735, Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum / Literalness / Oral tradition / Miracle 1 View Records
Bernard, Clairvaux, Abt, Heiliger 1090-1153 / Hildegard, Bingen, Äbtissin, Heilige 1098-1179 / Oral tradition / Literalness / Religious experience 1 View Records
Bible / Inculturation / Oral tradition / Literalness / Translation 1 View Records
Bible / Literalness / Oral tradition 1 View Records
Bible / Literalness / Oral tradition / Visual communication 1 View Records
Bible / Literalness / Oral tradition / Word of God 1 View Records
Bible. Chronicle 1.-2. / Deuteronomistic history / Oral tradition / Literalness 1 View Records
Book printing / History / Oral tradition / Literalness / Rhetoric / Social change 1 View Records