Nektarios patriarch of Jerusalem 1602-1676 Correspondence 1 View Records
Nestorians / Correspondence / Georgios al-Ḥīra 640-724 / Christology 1 View Records
Netherlands / Correspondence / History 1570-1575 / Love / Marriage / Anabaptists / Religious persecution 1 View Records
Neumann, John 1811-1860 / Correspondence / Keller, Bonaventura M. 1822-1877 / History 1857-1859 1 View Records
New Caledonia / Correspondence / Leenhardt, Maurice 1878-1954 / Mission (international law / History 1902-1914 1 View Records
Newman, Francis William 1805-1897 / Correspondence / Newman, John Henry, Saint 1801-1890 / History 1826-1878 1 View Records
Newman, John Henry, Saint 1801-1890 / Correspondence / Geschichte 1866 / Reusch, Franz Heinrich 1825-1900 1 View Records
New Testament / Correspondence / Boismard, Marie-Émile 1916-2004 / Geschichte 1957 / Martin, Victor 1886-1964 / Bible. Johannesevangelium 1-15 / Papyrus (Bibliotheca Bodmeriana) P. Bodmer II / Textual criticism 1 View Records
New Year's Eve, II., Pope 950-1003 / Correspondence / Monasticism / History 980-1000 1 View Records
National Library of Wales / Correspondence / Harris, Howell 1714-1773 1 View Records
National Socialism / Correspondence / Resistance fighter 1 View Records
National Socialism (1933-1945) / Correspondence / Geschichte 1933 / Bekennende Kirche 1 View Records
National Socialism (1933-1945) / Correspondence / Geschichte 1939 / Immer, Karl 1888-1944 / Marahrens, August 1875-1950 / Controversy 1 View Records
National Socialism (1933-1945) / Correspondence / History 1935-1936 / Bekennende Kirche / Schönherr, Albrecht 1911-2009 1 View Records
National Socialism (1933-1945) / Correspondence / Nørregaard, Jens 1838-1913 / Geschichte 1934 / Molland, Einar 1908-1976 1 View Records
Natural sciences / Correspondence / Harnack, Adolf von 1851-1930 / History 1871-1914 / Bunge, Gustav von 1844-1920 / Theology 1 View Records
Natural theology / Correspondence / Controversy / Brunner, Emil 1889-1966 / Dialectical theology / Geschichte 1934 / Barth, Karl 1886-1968 1 View Records
Nicephorus Callistus, Xanthopulus 1256-1335 / Correspondence 1 View Records
Nicolai, Friedrich 1733-1811 / Correspondence / History 1784-1803 / Enlightenment / Schwager, Johann Moritz 1738-1804 1 View Records
Nicolas, Michel 1810-1886 / Correspondence / History 1800-1900 / France / Protestant theology / Reuss, Eduard 1804-1891 1 View Records