Mystical experience / Intuition / Poetics / Romance 1 View Records
Mystical experience / Brentano, Clemens 1778-1842 / Christian literature / Romance / History 1800-1840 / Borderline situation / Emmerich, Anna Katharina 1774-1824 1 View Records
Mystical experience / Metaphor / Night / Romance / Novalis 1772-1801, Hymnen an die Nacht 2 View Records
Aesthetics / Identity (Motif) / Poetics / Romance / Philosophy / History 1790-1830 / Literature 1 View Records
Art / German language / Poetics / Romance / Religion / History 1793-1804 1 View Records
Christianity / France / Poetics / Romance / French language / History 1800-1850 1 View Records
Germany / History 1795-1801 / Poetics / Romance 1 View Records
History 1400-1900 / Poetics / Romance 1 View Records
Mystical experience / Intellect / Dietrich, von Freiberg 1240-1318 / Theological cognition theory / Thomas Aquinas 1225-1274 1 View Records
Mystical experience / Perception / Reality 1 View Records
Mystical experience / Indians / Cosmology / Andes / Nature / Nature religion 1 View Records
Mystical experience / Inner man 1 View Records
Mystical experience / Intellectual history 1350-1600 / Influence / England / Discernment of spirits / Spain / Tradition 1 View Records
Mystical experience / Immutability of God / Process theology / Relativity / God 1 View Records
Mystical experience / Interfaith dialogue / Inwardness / Islam / Christianity 1 View Records
Mystical experience / Inwardness / Eckhart Meister 1260-1328 / Christian ethics 1 View Records
Mystical experience / Inwardness / Tundalus -1149 1 View Records
Mystical experience / Iran / Psychometrics / USA 1 View Records
Mystical experience / Hermeneutics / Pauline letters / Reception / Grace / New Testament / Śaivism / Tamils 1 View Records
Mystical experience / Neuropsychology / Psychedelic experience / Research 1 View Records