Monotheism / Creation belief / Avesta. Yasna. Gathas / Old Testament / Zoroastrianism 1 View Records
Monotheism / Criticism / Judaism / Christianity / Patriarchate 1 View Records
Monotheism / Criticism / Political philosophy / Universalism 1 View Records
Monotheism / Critique of religion 5 View Records
Monotheism / Critique of religion / Catholic theology / Non-violence / Violence 1 View Records
Monotheism / Critique of religion / Religion / Violence 1 View Records
Monotheism / Crucifixion / Girard, René 1923-2015 / Jesus Christus / Assmann, Jan 1938-2024, Moses the Egyptian / Victim (Religion) / Violence 1 View Records
Monotheism / Cult / Exegesis / Josiah Judah, King / Bible. Könige 2. 22-23 / Reform 2 View Records
Monotheism / Cult / Goddess / Classical antiquity 2 View Records
Monotheism / Cult / Greece (Antiquity) / Lactantius, Lucius Caecilius Firmianus 250-317, Divinae institutiones / Cicero, Marcus Tullius 106 BC-43 BC / Philosopher 1 View Records
Monotheism / Cult / Inscription / Izmir / Apollo 1 View Records
Monotheism / Cult / Iran (Antiquity) / Jahwe / Judaism / King / Achämeniden 1 View Records
Monotheism / Cultural evolution / Norenzayan, Ara 1970-, Big gods / Religion / Rise of / Social norms 1 View Records
Monotheism / Cultural sciences / Heidelberg / Collective memory 1 View Records
Monotheism / Cultural sciences / Polytheism / Science of Religion 2 View Records
Monotheism / Culture / Reception 1 View Records
Monotheism / Cuneiform text / Old Testament / Ugarit 1 View Records
Monotheism / Custom / Death / Germany / Comparison of religions 1 View Records
Monotheism / Deconstruction 2 View Records
Monotheism / Depth psychology / Father / Freud, Sigmund 1856-1939 / Islam / Christianity / Religious conflict 1 View Records