Metaphor / Sermon / Homiletics / Concept of / History 1911-1997 1 View Records
Metaphor / Sermon / Martyr / John, Chrysostomus 344-407, In sanctum Romanum / Agōn / John, Chrysostomus 344-407, De Maccabeis 1 View Records
Metaphor / Sermon / Masculinity / Alcoholism / Caesarius, Arelatensis 470-542 / Sexual offense / Struggle against 1 View Records
Metaphor / Sermon / Newman, John Henry, Saint 1801-1890, Parochial and plain sermons / Spiritual life 1 View Records
Metaphor / Sermon / Robert, von Sorbon 1201-1274 / Commerce 1 View Records
Metaphor / Serpents / Bible. Johannesevangelium 3,14-15 / Bible. Numeri 21,8-9 / Intertextuality / Bible. Jesaja 11,10-12 / Rabbinic literature / Bible. Jesaja 14,29 1 View Records
Metaphor / Serpents / King / Lao / Lue / Asia / Buddhism 1 View Records
Metaphor / Serpents / Matthew 1 View Records
Metaphor / Servant / Christian life / Greenleaf, Robert K. 1904-1990 1 View Records
Metaphor / Servant / Ecclesiology / Ecumene 1 View Records
Metaphor / Servant / Mysticism / Juliana, von Norwich 1340-1413, Sixteen revelations of divine love / Lord / Soteriology 1 View Records
Metaphor / Servant / New Testament / Christian life 1 View Records
Metaphor / Servant / Romans / Christian life 1 View Records
Metaphor / Sexuality / Bible / Translation 1 View Records
Metaphor / Sexuality / Jahwe / Jerusalem / Bible. Ezechiel 16 / Feminist exegesis 1 View Records
Metaphor / Sexuality / Marriage / Deification / Body / Bible. Corinthians 1. 6,12-7,7 / Bible. Epheserbrief 5,21-33 1 View Records
Metaphor / Sexuality / Masculinity / Eunuch / Kingdom of God 1 View Records
Metaphor / Semantic field / Koran / Arabic language / Religious language / Jihad 1 View Records
Metaphor / Separation / Metaphor / Collection 1 View Records
Metaphor / Separation / Model / Bible. Psalmen 80 / Lament / Child 1 View Records