Biography / Great Britain / Eleonore of Aquitaine 1122-1204 / History 1154-1189 / Queen 1 View Records
Biography / Great Britain / Consul general / History / Diplomat / Egypt / Colonial administrators / Historical studies / Cromer, Evelyn Baring of 1841-1917 / Islam / Islam / Oriental languages / Oriental philology 1 View Records
Biography / Great Britain / Huguenots 1 View Records
Merchant / Great Britain / History 1560-1630 / Credit / Rhetoric / Technical literature 1 View Records
Biographic interview / Great Britain / German immigrant / History 1934-1999 / Protestant 1 View Records
Methodism / Great Britain / Bible / History 1840-1920 / Historical criticism / Hermeneutics / Conflict 1 View Records
McIlvaine, Charles Pettit 1799-1873 / Great Britain / Bishop / History 1861-1862 / Anglican Church / Diplomacy / Alliance policy / Nordstaaten, USA 1 View Records
Meditation / Great Britain / Buddhism / History 1853-1945 1 View Records
Biography / Greeks / History 558 BC-330 BC / Iran (Antiquity) 1 View Records
Ancient Orient / Great Britain / Bible / History 1685-1789 / City / City planning / Archaeology / Biblical site / Reception / Urbanity 1 View Records
Anglican Church / Great Britain / Bible / History 1800-1900 / Devotional literature / Feminine literature / Reception 1 View Records
Anglican Church / Great Britain / Bishop / History 1940-2000 / Family 1 View Records
Aristocracy / Great Britain / Bishop / History 1700-1800 / Church / France / Politics / State 1 View Records
Bible / Great Britain / Book burning / History 1640-1800 / English language 1 View Records
Bible / Great Britain / Collective memory / History 1839-1865 / Social novel / Symbolism 1 View Records
Bible / Great Britain / Dissenters / History 1650-1950 1 View Records
Bible / Great Britain / English language / History 1837-1901 / Poetry / Reception 1 View Records
Bible / Great Britain / Exegesis / History 1837-1901 / Reception 1 View Records
Bible / Great Britain / Faith (Motif) / History 1837-1901 / Painting 1 View Records
Bible / Great Britain / Historiography / History 1899-1999 / Journal / Theology 1 View Records