Meal / Community / Bible 3 View Records
Meal / Communication / Bible / Eating / Banquest / Politics 1 View Records
Meal / Community / Bible. Könige 1.-2. / Meal / Community / Ritual 1 View Records
Meal / Community / Bible. Corinthians 1. 5 1 View Records
Meal / Community / Bible. Corinthians 1. 5,11 1 View Records
Meal / Community / Bible. Galaterbrief 2,11-14 / Bible. Corinthians 1. 8,1-13 / Religious conflict 1 View Records
Meal / Community / Bible. Markusevangelium 14,22-24 / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 26,26-28 / Bible. Lukasevangelium 22,19-20 / Bible. Corinthians 1. 11,23b-25 1 View Records
Meal / Community / Bible. Markusevangelium 14,16-25 1 View Records
Meal / Community / Bible. Markusevangelium 6,6b-8,30 1 View Records
Metaphor / Community / Bible / Exegesis / Culture / Poetry / Zulu 1 View Records
Meal / Community / Benedikt, Montecassino, Abt, Heiliger 480-547, Regula Benedicti / Benedictines / Religious life 2 View Records
Meal / Catholic church / Bible study / Eating and drinking customs / Bible 1 View Records
Meal / Community / Bel and the dragon / Judith / Esther / Tobit 1 View Records
Mental health / Community / Bible / History 2000-2099 / Church work 1 View Records
Meal / Bible / Religious festival 1 View Records
Meal / Community 94 View Records
Meal / Community / Acts of the Apostles 2 View Records
Meal / Community / Caritas 1 View Records
Meal / Community / Catholic church 1 View Records
Meal / Community / Christianity 1 View Records