Animals / Jeroboam I Israel, King 926 BC-907 BC / Court / Eating / Essay (Motif) / Bible. Könige 1. 12-14 / Lion / Woman 1 View Records
Moral judgments Particularism Moral rules Moral principles Experts Empirical 1 View Records
John, the Almsgiver, Saint , d 619? 1 View Records
Mural painting and decoration, Italian Conservation and restoration Vatican City 1 View Records
Mural painting and decoration, Renaissance Conservation and restoration Vatican City 1 View Records
Moralisches Urteil ; Gesellschaft ; Entwicklung ; Persönlichkeitsentwicklung ; Aufsatzsammlung 1 View Records
Jonas, Hans 1903-1993, Das Prinzip Verantwortung 1 View Records
Moral Psychology cross-cultural variation universal moral grammar moral judgments principles of harm 1 View Records
Boendale, Jan van 1279-1348, Der leken spieghel / Jacobus, Genua, Erzbischof 1228-1298, Legenda aurea 1 View Records
Jerome Sidonius Apollinaris linguistic value judgments language attitudes social connotations hypothesis 1 View Records