Kloster Casamari / Abbot 1 View Records
Kloster Castrovillari / Abbot / History 1579-1805 / Benedictines 1 View Records
Kloster Cluny / Abbot / History 910-1156 1 View Records
Kloster Cluny / Abbot / History 927-1156 1 View Records
Kloster Corbie / Abbot / Canonical process / History 1209-1210 / Benedictines / Walter Corbie, Abbot 1 View Records
Kloster Ebrach / Abbot / History 1 View Records
Kloster Hersfeld / Abbot 1 View Records
Kloster Himmerod / Abbot / History 1300-1400 / Church authority / Order / Visitation / Zisterzienser 1 View Records
Kloster Jarrow / Abbot / Kloster Wearmouth / History 1 View Records
Kloster Morimond / Abbot / Bernard, Clairvaux, Abt, Heiliger 1090-1153 / Conflict / Geschichte 1124 / Arnold of Morimond / Relinquishment of office / Zisterzienser 1 View Records
Kloster Praglia / Abbot / Kloster Praglia / History 1200-1850 / History 1500-1750 / Church congregation / Diözese Padua / Pastoral journey 1 View Records
Kloster Saumur / Abbot / History 1000-1100 / Benedictines 1 View Records
Kloster Sponheim / Abbot / History 1124-1565 / Benedictines / Prior 1 View Records
Kloster Tholey / Abbot 1 View Records
Kloster Tholey / Abbot / History 634-1517 1 View Records
Kloster Bordesley / Abbot / History 1138-1538 / Zisterzienser 1 View Records
Kloster St. Peter / Abbot / History 1496-1512 2 View Records
Kloster Steinfeld / Abbot / History 1200-1791 / Order province / Prämonstratenser / Visitation / Westphalia 1 View Records
Kloster Echternach / Abbot / History 1562-1628 1 View Records
Kloster Heilsbronn / Abbot / Chapel / Zisterzienser 1 View Records