Kaufmann, Hans Bernhard 1926-2022 / Obituary 1 View Records
Kaufmann, Hans Bernhard 1926-2022 3 View Records
Kaufmann, Hans Bernhard 1 View Records
Kakunyo 1270-1351 / Obituary / Kōshiki / History 1200-1400 / Memorial service / Jōdo-shū / Shinran 1173-1263 1 View Records
Kellermann, Benzion 1869-1923 / Obituary / Cohen, Hermann 1842-1918 1 View Records
Aberle, Moritz von 1819-1875 / Obituary / Himpel, Felix von 1821-1890 2 View Records
Aertsen, Jan A. 1938- / Obituary 1 View Records
Ambrose Saint, Bishop of Milan 339-397 / Obituary / Emperor / Text history 1 View Records
Appalachen-Gebiet / Obituary / Hereafter / Old Regular Baptists / Primitive Baptists 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Obituary / Hebrew language / Paleography 1 View Records
Archaeologist / Obituary / Excavation / Israel / Biblical archaeology 1 View Records
Bavaria / Obituary / Clergyperson 2 View Records
Benedictine monastery / Obituary / Commemoration of the dead / History 1600-1850 / Catholic church, Erzdiözese Salzburg 1 View Records
Benrath, Gustav Adolf 1931-2014 / Obituary 1 View Records
Bible / Obituary / Irish language / Translation 1 View Records
Biography / Obituary / Bitz, Hilde 1929-2017 1 View Records
Canonist / Obituary / Primetshofer, Bruno 1929-2014 1 View Records
Castro, Emilio 1927-2013 / Obituary / Ökumenischer Rat der Kirchen 1 View Records
Catholic church, Diözese Erfurt / Obituary / Geschichte 2010 / Priest / Theologian 1 View Records
Catholic church, Diözese Erfurt / Obituary / History 2010-2011 / Priest / Theologian 1 View Records