Judge / Catholic church, Pope (2013- : Franziskus), Verfasserschaft1, Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus / Canonical process / Marriage process 2 View Records
Judge / Catholic church, Rota Romana / History 1400-1500 / Appointment 1 View Records
Judge / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Codex canonum ecclesiarum orientalium. 1055-1184 1 View Records
Judge / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Codex iuris canonici (1917). 1869 / Conscience / Decision / Francis Pope 1936- / Catholic church, Rota Romana / Marriage / Neujahrsempfang / Speech 1 View Records
Judge / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Codex Iuris Canonici (1983) / Church judicial system / Diocese / Catholic church 1 View Records
Judge / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Codex iuris canonici (1983). 1421 / Process 1 View Records
Judge / Catholic church / Bishop / Marriage process 1 View Records
Judge / Caucasian war (1817-1864) (1817-1864) 1 View Records
Judge / Church authority / Canonical process 2 View Records
Judge / Church authority / Church judicial system / Church labor law / Catholic church 1 View Records
Judge / Church judicial system / Deontology / Catholic church 1 View Records
Judge / Church judicial system / Layman / Marriage law 1 View Records
Judge / Civil suit / Constitution of the court / Development of law / German language area / Germany, Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz / Case law 3 View Records
Judge / Civil suit / Constitution of the court / Development of law / German language area / Germany, Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz / Case law / Law 2 View Records
Judge / Conferring / Francis Pope 1936- / Catholic church, Rota Romana / Office 5 View Records
Judge / Conscience / Decision / Francis Pope 1936- / Catholic church, Rota Romana / Marriage / Neujahrsempfang / Speech 1 View Records
Judge / Conservatism / History 2005-2018 / Christian / Roberts, John Glover 1955- / Secularization / USA, Supreme Court / Value shift 1 View Records
Judge / Constitutional state 1 View Records
Judge / Constitution of the court / German language area / Germany, Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz / Civil suit 3 View Records
Judge / Constitution of the court / German language area / Germany, Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz / Civil suit / Law 7 View Records