Job / Biblical archaeology 1 View Records
Bible / Biblical studies / Metaphor / COVID-19 (Disease) / Pandemic 1 View Records
Bible. Römerbrief 9-11 / Sports / Metaphor / Epic 1 View Records
Jonah / Bodiliness / Metaphor / Animals 1 View Records
Jews / Bible / Metaphor / Prophecy 1 View Records
Job / Sinaikloster / Majuscule / Bible. Könige 1. / Proverbs / Palimpsest 1 View Records
Biblical theology / Etymology / metanoia / Metanoia 1 View Records
Bible / Speculum / Metaphor / Metaphor / Metaphor / Face / Veil 1 View Records
Bible. Corinthians 1. 13,12 / Speculum / Metaphor / Bible lessons 1 View Records
Job / Sirach / Bible edition / New Testament / Protestant Church / Proverbs / Psalms / German language 2 View Records
Jews / State / Metaphor / Fractals / History 1600-1800 / Germany 1 View Records
Job / Suffering / Mourning rites / Bible. Jesaja 40-55 / Grief 1 View Records
Journey / Bible. Lukasevangelium 17,1-10 / Metaphor / Behavior / Paraenesis / Q / Travel description 1 View Records
Job / Sirach / Bible. Ezechiel 37 / Bible. Makkabäer 1.-2. / Ecclesiastes / Enoch / Bel and the dragon / Belief in the hereafter / Tobit / Wisdom 1 View Records
Jahwe / Baal, God / Metaphor / Bible. Hosea 1-3 / Marriage / Asherah 1 View Records
Jahwe / Bible. Jeremia 3 / Metaphor / Babylonian Captivity / Judah (Monarchy) / Judah (People) / Marriage / Israel (Antiquity) / Old Testament / Prophecy / Theology 1 View Records
Job / Simile / Bible. Kohelet 3,11 1 View Records
Jonah / Biblical theology 4 View Records
Judaism / Self-understanding / Metaphor / Bible. Petrusbrief 1. / New Testament / Primitive Christianity / Greece (Antiquity) / Strangeness 3 View Records
Bible. Offenbarung des Johannes 1-3 / Space / City / Biblical archaeology / Strabo 63 BC-23 1 View Records