Germany / Church school / Law / Legislation / Private school / States 1 View Records
Germany / Church tax / Legislation / Tax raising 1 View Records
Germany / Circumcision (Man) / Boy / Jurisdiction / Social ethics 1 View Records
Germany / Civil service regulations / Part time employment / Pastor / Protestant Church 1 View Records
Germany / Clothing / Jurisdiction / Personal right / Religion / Religious freedom / Symbol 1 View Records
Germany / Comparative law / Brazil, Constitution (1988) / Human dignity 1 View Records
Germany / Constitutional law / Church building / Municipality / State law of churches 1 View Records
Germany / Constitutional law for culture / Cultural state / Culture / Constitutional law / Value system 1 View Records
Germany / Constitutional policy / Constitutional law 1 View Records
Germany / Constitutional state / Integration (Politics) / Pluralism / Theory 1 View Records
Germany / Constraint (Linguistics) / Constitutional law / Religious freedom / State law of churches 1 View Records
Germany / Constraint (Linguistics) / Constitutional right / Liberty / Third 1 View Records
Germany / Cooperation / Catholic religious instruction / Islamic religious instruction / Protestant religious instruction / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Germany / Corporation under public law / Religious freedom / Religious organization 1 View Records
Germany / Deutsches Reich, Die Verfassung des Deutschen Reichs (1919) / Constitutional theory 2 View Records
Germany / Einreise / Foreigner / Constitutional right 1 View Records
Germany / Europäische Union / State law of churches 1 View Records
Germany / Execution 1 View Records
Germany / Family / Family policy / Age structure / Intergenerational justice / Voting rights 1 View Records
Germany / Free democratic order of the state / Legal status / Pluralistic society / Religious instruction 1 View Records