Greece / Church / Elementary school 1 View Records
Greece / Church / Egypt / Great Britain / Armenia / Czech Republic / Canada / Europäische Union / Georgia / Germany / China / Africa / India / Iran / Israel / Italy / Malaysia / Malta / Montenegro / Myanmar / Nepal / New Zealand / Nigeria / Northern Ireland / Pakistan / Philippines / Portugal / Russia / Serbia / South Korea / State / Sudan / Tajikistan / Tanzania / Turkey / Ukraine / USA / Uzbekistan / Vatikanstadt / Vietnam / Yemen (Arabische Republik) 1 View Records
Greece / Church / Egypt / Great Britain / China / Bangladesh / Belarus / Ethiopia / Germany / Canada / Azerbaijan / Hungary / India / Indonesia / Iran / Israel / Kazakhstan / Malaysia / Mexico / Myanmar / Nepal / Niederland / Northern Ireland / North Korea / Norway / Pakistan / Russia / Slovakia / South Korea / State / Sudan / Switzerland / Uganda / Ukraine / USA / Uzbekistan / Vietnam 1 View Records
Greece / Church / Egypt / Great Britain / China / Bulgaria / Belgium / Hungary / India / Iran / Japan / Malaysia / Myanmar / Northern Ireland / Pakistan / Philippines / Russia / State / Turkey / Ukraine / USA / Vereinte Nationen / Yemen 1 View Records
Greece / Church / Egypt / Great Britain / Denmark / China / Eritrea / Europäische Union / France / Germany / Bolivia / Algeria / Iceland / India / Indonesia / Iran / Iraq / Ireland / Malaysia / Nigeria / Pakistan / Poles / Ruanda / Russia / State / Sudan / Switzerland / Tajikistan / Turkey / Ukraine / USA 1 View Records
Greece / Church / Ethiopia / Great Britain / China / Bangladesh / Cuba / Belgium / Europäische Union / France / Germany / Bhutan / Azerbaijan / India / Indonesia / Iran / Israel / Japan / Kenya / Kosovo / Kyrgyzstan / Mauretanien / Niger / North Korea / Pakistan / Russia / Serbia / State / Sudan (Nord) / Syria / Tajikistan / Turkmenistan / Ukraine / USA / Vietnam / Yemen 1 View Records
Greece / Church / Educational system 1 View Records
Greece / Church 2 View Records
Greece / Church / Bible. Apostelgeschichte 17,34 / City / Damaris, Heilige, Biblische Person / Dionysius Biblical character ca. 1.Jh. / Athens / Mission (international law 1 View Records
Greece / Church / Catholic church / History 1878-1903 / State 1 View Records
Greece / Church / Church / Griechisch-Orthodoxe Kirche / History 1822-2003 / State / State 1 View Records
Greece / Church / Classical antiquity / Conscientious objection / Christianity / Martyrdom / New Testament / Political theology / Power / Primitive Christianity / Religion / State / Theory of the state / Two kingdoms doctrine / Vatican Palace 1 View Records
Greece / Church / Conflict / Griechisch-Orthodoxe Kirche / History 1832-1900 / State / The Modern 1 View Records
Greece / Church / Culture / Anatolia / Socialization 1 View Records
Greece / Church / Current issues / Culture 1 View Records
Greece / Church / Database / Greek language / Anatolia / Inscription 1 View Records
Greece / Church / Financial crisis / State 1 View Records
Greece / Church / Geschichte 1995 / Greece / Church / State / State 1 View Records
Greece / Church / Geschichte 1996 / State 1 View Records
Greece / Church / Geschichte 1997 / State 1 View Records