Germany / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism / Europe 1 View Records
Germany / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy / Europe / Human rights / Islam / Islamic religious instruction / Religious education / Climatic change / Future / Sustainable development / Teacher training 1 View Records
Germany / Religious instruction / Intercultural education / Europe 1 View Records
Germany / Religious instruction / Reformation / Europe / Great Britain / History teaching / School book / Switzerland 1 View Records
Germany / Religious identity / Confessionality / Europe / Lutheranism / History 1550-1740 1 View Records
Germany / Religious freedom / Europe / Antidiscrimination law / Australia 1 View Records
Germany / Religious freedom / Law policy / Europe / State law of churches 1 View Records
Germany / Religious persecution / Religious refugee / Europe / Migration / History 1477-1817 1 View Records
Germany / Religious sociology / Religiosity / Europe / Churchliness / Church reform / Secularization 1 View Records
Germany / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism / Confessionality 1 View Records
Germany / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism / Italy / Religion teacher 1 View Records
Germany / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism / Legitimation / Public school 2 View Records
Germany / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism / Public school 2 View Records
Germany / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism / Pupil / Confessionality / Interrogation 1 View Records
Germany / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism / Religious education / Germany / Religious education / Secondary school level / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Germany / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism / Religious identity 2 View Records
Germany / Religious organization / Religion / Europe / Collection of essays / Politics / Society 1 View Records
Christianity / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism / Europe / Religious education 1 View Records
Educational duty / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism / Europe / Religious education 2 View Records
Employment / Religious instruction / Religious pluralism / Europe / Religion teacher / Interrogation 1 View Records