Germany / Protestant religion teacher / Teacher training / Teachers' ongoing training / Teachers' association / Self-organization / International comparison 3 View Records
Germany / Protestant religion teacher / Teacher training / Teachers' ongoing training / Teachers' association / Self-organization / History 1945-1990 3 View Records
Germany / Protestant religious instruction / Teacher training / Interreligiosity / Jewish religious instruction / Knowledge communication / History 1780-1900 / Religion teacher / Religious education / History 1780-1900 1 View Records
Germany / Protestant religious instruction / Teacher training / Jewish religious instruction / Knowledge communication / History 1780-1900 / Interreligiosity / Religious education / Religion teacher 1 View Records
Germany / Protestant religious pedagogy / Teacher training / Teaching Islamic religion / Religious education / Religious pedagogy 1 View Records
Germany / Protestant religion teacher / Teacher education / Study program reform 2 View Records
Germany / Protestant religion teacher / Teacher education / Study program reform / University didactics 1 View Records
Germany / Protestant religion teacher / Teacher education / Protestant theology / Discipline (Science) 1 View Records
Germany / Professor / Teacher training / Teaching Islamic religion / Diversity / Religion / Interfaith dialogue / Mentality 2 View Records
Germany / Diversity / Teacher training / Heterogeneity / Inclusive education / School / Intersectionality / Switzerland / Austria 1 View Records
Germany / Course of study / Teacher training / Theology student / Religious instruction / Interrogation / Motivation 1 View Records
Germany / Interfaith dialogue / Teacher training / Judaism / Religious education / Religious pedagogy / Islam 1 View Records
Germany / Interfaith dialogue / Teacher training / Religious pedagogy / Religious education / University didactics 1 View Records
Germany / France / Teacher training / Togo / Transformation / Senegal / Innovation / Burkina Faso 1 View Records
Germany / France / Teacher training / Togo / Transformation / Senegal / Innovation / School development / Burkina Faso / School teaching / School 1 View Records
Germany / Protestant religious pedagogy / Teacher education / Study program reform / Protestant theology 1 View Records
Germany / Profession / Teacher training / Professionality / Professionalization / History 1800-2016 1 View Records
Germany / Professionalization / Teacher training / Ecumene / Religious instruction / Cooperation 1 View Records
Germany / Philosophy teacher / Teacher training / Religion teacher / Switzerland / France 2 View Records
Germany / Protestant religious pedagogy / Teacher education / Reception / Demands of 1 View Records