Germany / Church music / Lutheran theology / History 1570-1750 1 View Records
Germany / Church music / Lutheran Church / History 1500-1750 2 View Records
Germany / Church music / Lutheran Church / History 1555-1700 / Catholic church 1 View Records
Germany / Church office / Lutheran theology / History 1830-1900 / Höfling, Johann Wilhelm Friedrich 1802-1853 / Schenkel, Daniel 1813-1885 / Stahl, Friedrich Julius 1802-1861 1 View Records
Germany / Church policy / Lutheran theology / History 1929-1947 / National Socialism / Sasse, Hermann 1895-1976 1 View Records
Germany / Church music / Lutheran Church / History 1675-1750 / Liturgy / Pietism / Piety / Spener, Philipp Jakob 1635-1705 1 View Records
Germany / Church music / History 1570-1750 1 View Records
Germany / Church music / Lutheranism / History 1600-1750 / Piety / Schütz, Heinrich 1585-1672 1 View Records
Germany / Church music / Lutheran theology / Baroque 1 View Records
Germany / Consolatory writing / Lutheran theology / History 1560-1570 1 View Records
Germany / Christian social ethics / Lutheran theology / History 1920-1933 / Ihmels, Ludwig 1858-1933 / Kingdom of God / Categorical imperative / Social question / Theonomy 1 View Records
Germany / Controversy / Lutheran theology / History 1920-1999 / Ecclesiology / Ordination / Woman 1 View Records
Germany / Church reform / Lutheran Church / History 1610-1654 / Andreä, Johann Valentin 1586-1654 / City 1 View Records
Germany / Fortune-telling / Lutheran theology / History 1537-1850 / Divination 1 View Records
Germany / History 1517-1600 / Lutheran theology / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 1 View Records
Germany / History 1520-1630 / Lutheran theology / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 / Instructions / Test of faith / Theological studies 1 View Records
Germany / History 1521-1800 / Lutheran theology / Melanchthon, Philipp 1497-1560, Loci communes rerum theologicarum seu hypotyposes theologicae / Religious instruction / Textbook / Theological studies 1 View Records
Germany / History 1525-1725 / Lutheran theology / Purgatory 1 View Records
Germany / Church constitution / Lutheran Church / History 1800-1900 / History / Church / State 1 View Records
Germany / Church music / Berlin-Neukölln / History 1933-1945 / Glassner, Evaristos 1912-1988 / Glassner, Evaristos 1912-1988 / Glassner, Evaristos 1912-1988 / Protestant Church / Third Reich 1 View Records