Germany (DDR) / Secondary school level / Polytechnical secondary school / School year / Secondary school / Civics / Vocational training school 2 View Records
German teaching / School / Nationalism 1 View Records
German teaching / School book / Alphabet book / Prussians / Reader / Reading instruction / Elementary school 1 View Records
German teaching / School book / German language / Junior high school / Grammar / School year 1 View Records
German teaching / School book / Germany / Image of family / Civics 2 View Records
German teaching / School book / Germany (Gebiet unter Alliierter Besatzung, Sowjetische Zone) / History teaching / Propaganda / Reader / Geography teaching / Totalitarianism 1 View Records
German teaching / School program / Uhland, Ludwig 1787-1862 1 View Records
German teaching / School year / Grammar school / Catholic religious instruction / Christianity / Symbol 1 View Records
German teaching / School year / Grammar school / Project / Interdisciplinary teaching / Symbol education 1 View Records
German teaching / School year 1-8 / Waldorf school 1 View Records
German teaching / School year 5-6 / Grammar school / Experience / Media didactics / Film 1 View Records
German teaching / School year 9-10 / Junior high school / Interdisciplinary teaching / Social studies teaching 1 View Records
German teaching / Sociolinguistics / German language 1 View Records
German teaching / Speech training 2 View Records
German teaching / Story / Interpretation of / History 1945-1970 2 View Records
German teaching / Student / Chinese people / History 1988-1995 / Medical student / Protestant Church / Essay 1 View Records
German teaching / Subject didactics 1 View Records
German teaching / Subject didactics / German teaching / Germany 1 View Records
German teaching / Symbol 1 View Records
German teaching / Schiller, Friedrich 1759-1805, Die Braut von Messina / German language / Debt (Motif) / Literature / Literature teaching / Fate (Motif) 1 View Records