German poetry Middle High German, 1050-1500 1 View Records
German poetry Middle High German, 1050-1500 History and criticism Congresses 1 View Records
German poetry Middle High German, 1050-1500 History and criticism 24 View Records
German language area / History 1949-1998 / Congress / Catholic church / Church judicial system 1 View Records
Germany / History 1933-1945 / Congress / Biography / Diaconia 1 View Records
Germany / History 1945-1970 / Congress / Catholic church / Refugee / Würzburg <2006> 1 View Records
Germany / History / Congress / Antisemitism 1 View Records
Germany / Historian / Congress / Geschichte 1951 / Archivist / Vocational organization 1 View Records
German poetry Middle High German, 1050-1500 Translations into English 1 View Records
Ägäis / History 600 BC-500 BC / Congress / Architecture 1 View Records
Anglican Church / History 1983-2007 / Congress / Liturgy 1 View Records
Anglicanism / History 1920-1933 / Congress 1 View Records
Apocalypticism / History 500-1500 / Congress / Eschatology / Löwen <1984> 1 View Records
Arab countries / History 1800-1989 / Congress / Jews 1 View Records
Basic ecclesial community / History 1975-1997 / Congress / Catholic church / Brazil 1 View Records
Bible / History 1230-1450 / Congress / Handwriting / Bible edition / History 1450-1500 1 View Records
Bishop / History 800-1200 / Congress / City / Rule / Tuscany 1 View Records
Book / History 1476-1558 / Congress / England 1 View Records
Camino de Santiago / History 1100-1600 / Congress / France / Jakobus, der Ältere, Apostel, Heiliger 1 View Records
Canon law / History 1998-2014 / Congress / Liturgical reform 1 View Records