Roman Catholic Church Vatican ii Yves Congar Henri de Lubac Pope John xxiii Pope Paul vi reform and renewal reception ressourcement 1 View Records
Conference program Historische Kommission des Deutschen Nationalkomitees des Lutherischen Weltbundes 28.03.2015-29.03.2015 Rehburg-Loccum 1 View Records
Heavenly Tablets Epistle of Enoch reception of tradition authorized interpretation Apocalypse of Weeks Enoch “pseudepigraphy” prophecy genre 1 View Records
Conference program Concilium Lateranense IV--Commemorating the Octocentenary of the Fourth Lateran Council of 1215 23.11.2015-29.11.2015 Vatican Palace 1 View Records
Hübner, Johann <Pädagoge>++Zwei mal zwei und funfzig auserlesene Biblische Historien aus dem Altenund Neuen Testamente++Rezeption++Geschichte 1714-1902 1 View Records
Romania Germany Cyprus Greece Crete Portugal Spain Self-image Public image Kosmopolitismus Kulturprojekt Foreign cultural policy Kulturhauptstadt Europas Mining Islam Reception 1 View Records
Religion; Moderne; Anthropologie; Bruno Latour; Säkularität; Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie; Praxistheorie; Natur; Kultur; Technik; Glaube; Neuer Materialismus; Gesellschaft; Religionswissenschaft; Religionssoziologie; Modernity; Anthropology; Secularity; Actor-network-theory; Practice Theory; Nature; Culture; Technology; Belief; New Materialism; Society; Religious Studies; Sociology of Religion 1 View Records