Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint 354-430 / Influence / Dogmatics / Fundamental theology / Conversion / Origenes 185-254 / Systematic theology 1 View Records
Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint 354-430 / Influence / History / Theology 1 View Records
Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint 354-430 / Influence / Origenes 185-254 1 View Records
Australia / Influence / Australian Council for the World Council of Churches / Menzies, Robert 1894-1978 / Mission (international law / Power / Vanuatu 1 View Records
Australia / Influence / Depression / Distance / Comfort / Spirituality 1 View Records
Australia / Influence / Pentecostal churches / Popular music / Religious experience 1 View Records
Authoress / Influence / History 1963-1980 / Cultural contact / Islam / Muslim Students Association of the United States and Canada / Society 1 View Records
Authority / Influence / Benedikt, XVI., Pope 1927-2022 / Katholische Integrierte Gemeinde 1 View Records
Authority / Influence / Eastern Church / Near East / Near East / Patriarch / Politics 1 View Records
Autobiography / Influence / Honko, Lauri 1932-2002 / Culture / Memory / Memory 1 View Records
Axiology / Influence / Human being / Deus absconditus / Life / World 1 View Records
Baptismal liturgy / Influence / Development / Didache / Church / Judaism / Mass 1 View Records
Baptismal liturgy / Influence / Development / Didache / History 30-600 / Christianity / Judaism / Mass 1 View Records
Baptists / Influence / Cultural development / USA 1 View Records
Baptists / Influence / Rauschenbusch, Walter 1861-1918 / USA 1 View Records
Basis / Influence / Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte / Jurisdiction / Religious freedom 1 View Records
Bavaria / Influence / History 1150-1850 / Church institution / Urbanization 1 View Records
Beauty ideal / Influence / Eating disorder / Media / Regulation 1 View Records
Bedrohungsvorstellung / Influence / Enemy image / Fundamentalism / Higher studies / Culture / Islam / Islam / Islam and politics / Islamic countries / Orientalism (Cultural sciences) / Orientalizing literature / Perception / Religious organization / Science / Western world 1 View Records
Belief in spirits / Influence / Islam / Pentecostal churches / Spiritual warfare / Tanzania 1 View Records