Ganga, Goddess / Ecology / Environmental protection / Barrages / Activist 2 View Records
Ganges / Ecology / Barrages / Activism 3 View Records
Ganga, Goddess / Environmental protection / Activist 1 View Records
Activism / Ecology / Environment / Bible / Hermeneutics / Pedagogics / Religiosity / Study / The Humanities 1 View Records
Activity / Ecumene / Environmental protection / Brazil / Drinking water / Church / Medical care 1 View Records
Africa / Ecology / Environmental protection / Moral theology / Responsibility for the world 1 View Records
Benefit / Ecology / Environmental protection / Philosophy / Theory 1 View Records
Amazon region / Ecology / Environmental protection / Catholic church, Bischofssynode (2019 : Rom) / Conversion 1 View Records
Amazon region / Ecology / Environmental protection / Councils and synods / Catholic church, Bischofssynode (2019 : Rom) / Economic ethics / Environmental ethics / Climatic change / Human rights / Indigenous peoples / Rainforest / Species diversity 1 View Records
Business ethics / Ecology / Environmental protection / Economics 1 View Records
Benedikt, XVI., Pope 1927-2022 / Ecology / Environmental protection / Catholic theology / Creation theology 1 View Records
Cabala / Ecology / Environmental protection 2 View Records
Catholic church, Pope (2013- : Franziskus), Verfasserschaft1, Laudato si' / Ecology / Environmental protection 1 View Records
China / Ecology / Environmental protection / Civil society / Future 1 View Records
Christianity / Ecology / Environmental protection 1 View Records
Christianity / Ecology / Environmental protection / Environmental consciousness 1 View Records
Climate / Ecology / Environmental protection / Education / Economy / Politics / Sustainable development 1 View Records
Earth / Ecology / Environmental protection / Environmental policy / Environmental crisis / Meteorological disaster / Sustainable development 1 View Records
Ecology / Economic ethics / Environmental protection / Environmental policy 1 View Records
Ecology / Environment / Environmental protection / Environmental ethics / Religion / World religion 1 View Records