Francis Pope 1936- / Catholic social teaching / Jesus Christus / Solidarity 1 View Records
Francis Pope 1936- / Catholic church / Compassion / Solidarity / Griechisch-Orthodoxe Kirche / Human dignity / Immigrants / Mercy / Refugee / Refugee policy / Bartholomaios I Constantinople, Patriarch 1940- / War 1 View Records
Francis Pope 1936- / Catholic social teaching / Social justice / Society 1 View Records
Francis Pope 1936- / Catholic social teaching / Christian social ethics / Social action / Brotherliness / Globalization / Love of neighbor / Migration / Pandemic / Encyclical / Summary / Sustainable development 1 View Records
Francis Pope 1936- / Catholic social teaching / Economy / Social justice 1 View Records
Francis Pope 1936- / Catholic social teaching / Exclusion / Social justice / Poverty / Political theology / Social movement 1 View Records
Francis Pope 1936- / Catholic church, Pope (2013- : Franziskus), Verfasserschaft1, Evangelii gaudium / Jesus Christus / Benedikt, XV., Pope 1854-1922, Maximum illud / Mercy of God / Mission (international law 1 View Records
Francis Pope 1936- / Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint 354-430 / Jesus Christus / Sermon / Poverty 1 View Records
Francis Pope 1936- / Catholic social teaching / Catholic church / Speech / Theological ethics / Universal church 1 View Records
Francis Pope 1936- / Catholic social teaching / Conflict / Speech / Peace policy / Catholic church / War 1 View Records
Francis Pope 1936- / Catholic social teaching / Poverty / Scandal / Scandal (Television program) 1 View Records
Francis Pope 1936- / God / Jesus Christus / Salvation / Love / Mercy / Moral theology / Liguori, Alfonso M. de 1696-1787 1 View Records
Francis Pope 1936- / Charlemagne Prize / Europe / Solidarity / Laudatory speech / History of ideas / Thanksgiving speech / Value notions 1 View Records
Francis Pope 1936- / Charlemagne Prize / European integration / Solidarity / Human dignity / Humanism / Mercy / Europe / Speech 1 View Records
Francis Pope 1936- / Church / Jesus Christus / Meeting / Ukrainische Katholische Kirche 1 View Records
Francis Pope 1936- / Compassion / International Day of Peace / Solidarity / Peace / Mercy / Speech 1 View Records
Francis Pope 1936- / Amos, Prophet / Prostitution / Solidarity 1 View Records
Francis Pope 1936- / Catholic social teaching 3 View Records
Francis Pope 1936- / Catholic social teaching / Church policy / Migration / Migration policy / Preaching 2 View Records
Francis Pope 1936- / Catholic social teaching / Economy / Capitalism 2 View Records