France (West) / Parish / Structure of / Current issues 1 View Records
France (West) / Parish / Structure of / History 500-1500 / Ireland / Territory 1 View Records
Fusion / Parish / Structure of / Catholic church / Germany 1 View Records
Financial planning / Parish / Structure of / Catholic church / Germany 1 View Records
France / Parish / Structural reform / Catholic church / Canada / Wallonia 1 View Records
Canon law / Parish / Structure of / Catholic church 1 View Records
Catholic church / Parish / Structure of / Germany / Organization 2 View Records
Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Codex iuris canonici (1983). 368 / Parish / Structure of / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Codex iuris canonici (1983). 515 / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Codex iuris canonici (1983). 369 / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Codex iuris canonici (1983). 374 1 View Records
Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Codex iuris canonici (1983). 515-552 / Parish / Structure of / Reform / Pastor 1 View Records
Frankfurt am Main / Parish / Structural reform / History 1945-1971 / Urban pastoral care 2 View Records
France / Current issues / State / Church 1 View Records
France / Current issues / State / Church / Religious freedom 1 View Records
France / Catholic church / Society / Current issues / History 1965-2006 / Bishop 1 View Records
France / Protestantism / Current issues 1 View Records
France / Parish / Layman / Church office 1 View Records
France / Parish / Catholic church / Territoriality 1 View Records
France / Parish / Finances / Catholic church / Diocese 1 View Records
Folk church / Parish / Structural reform / Catholic church / Priest / Germany 1 View Records
Church congregation / Parish work / Structure of / Protestant Church / Germany 1 View Records
France / Current issues / Catholic church 4 View Records