Christianity / Death / Dying / Funeral / Religious instruction / Islam / Judaism / Grief / School year / School year 2 View Records
Christianity / Death / Funeral / Funeral rite / Religious instruction / Islam / Judaism / Grave / Ritual / Teaching material 1 View Records
Christianity / Democracy / Germany (Bundesrepublik) / Political participation / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Christianity / Depiction / Islam / Judaism / Religious instruction / School book 1 View Records
Christianity / Dialogue / Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Religious instruction / Judaism 2 View Records
Christianity / Diet / Food / Food laws / Religious instruction / Judaism / Lent / Islam / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Christianity / Faith / Germany (Bundesrepublik) / Natural sciences / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 2 View Records
Christianity / Fatherhood of God / Idea of God / Interfaith dialogue / Religious instruction / Islam / School year / Teaching material 1 View Records
Christianity / Film music / Islam / Jesus Christus / Religious instruction / Literature / Reception / Judaism 1 View Records
Christianity / Finland / Germany / Islam / Religious instruction / Linguistic consciousness / Name of God / Judaism / School book 1 View Records
Christianity / Freedom / Grammar school / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 1 View Records
Christianity / Fundamentalism / Islam / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 2 View Records
Christianity / Gender-specific role / Interfaith dialogue / Islam / Religious instruction / Religious identity 1 View Records
Christianity / German Switzerland / Judaism / Lesson plan / Religious instruction / Religious education 1 View Records
Christianity / Germany / Islam / Judaism / Religious instruction 2 View Records
Christianity / Germany / Religious education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Christianity / Germany (Bundesrepublik) / Jews / Judaism / Religious instruction / Religious pedagogy / School book / Teacher training 1 View Records
Christianity / Germany (Bundesrepublik) / Judaism / Religious instruction / Secondary school level 2 View Records
Christianity / Germany (Östliche Länder) / Religious instruction / Secularization / Strangeness 1 View Records
Christianity / Ghana / Malawi / Non-Christian religion / Religious instruction 1 View Records