Exegesis / Syriac churches / History 451-1200 / Pauline letters / Soteriology / Christology 1 View Records
Exegesis / Syriac churches / Īshōʻ bar Nūn ca. ca. 744-828 / Išoʿdad, Hdatta, Bischof / John / History 750-850 / Theodor Bar-Koni ca. 8. Jh. 1 View Records
Exegesis / Syriac churches / Matthew / History 1 View Records
Exegesis / Syriac language / Greek language / Gregory of Nyssa 335-394 / Patristics / Problem / Church fathers / Translation 1 View Records
Exegesis / Syriac language / Guardian angel / Jakob, Edessa, Bischof 640-708 / Old Testament / Peshitta / Church fathers 1 View Records
Exegesis / Syriac language / History 400-1200 / John, Chrysostomus 344-407 / Mušē Bar-Kēpā 813-903 / Pauline letters / Dionysios Bar-Ṣalibi -1171 / Theodorus, Mopsuestenus 352-428 1 View Records
Exegesis / Syriac Church Fathers 1 View Records
Exegesis / Syriac Church Fathers / Anointing in Bethany / Anointing in Bethany / Anointing in Bethany 1 View Records
Exegesis / Syriac Church Fathers / Antiochene School 1 View Records
Exegesis / Syriac Church Fathers / Cain / Aphraates ca. -nach 345 / Bible. Johannesevangelium 8,44 1 View Records
Exegesis / Syriac Church Fathers / Ephraem Syrus 306-373 / History 300-400 / Church fathers 1 View Records
Exegesis / Syriac Church Fathers / Exodus 1 View Records
Exegesis / Syriac Church Fathers / Rabbinic Judaism / Bible. Genesis 38 1 View Records
Exegesis / Syriac Church Fathers / Rabbinic Judaism / Tamar Daughter-in-law of Judah 1 View Records
Exegesis / Syriac Church Fathers / Sermon 1 View Records
Exegesis / Symbolic interactionism 1 View Records
Exegesis / Symeon Mesopotamius ca. 4. Jh. 1 View Records
Exegesis / Sabbath / Bible. Numeri 15,22-31 / Bible. Numeri 15,32-36 / Atonement / Legislation / Reconciliation / Bible. Levitikus 24,10-23 / Sin / Story 1 View Records
Exegesis / Sabbath / Bible. Pentateuch, Bible. Pentateuch 1 View Records
Exegesis / Sabbath / Holy books / Judaism / Law / Dead Sea scrolls, Qumran Scrolls 1 View Records