Europe / Total institution / Hospital / Prison / History 1500-1950 / USA 1 View Records
Europe / Tutzing <1982> / Islam / History teaching 1 View Records
Europe / The Americas / Africa / History 1900-2000 / Islam / Asia 1 View Records
Europe / Teenagers / History 1500-1800 / Religious minority / Child 1 View Records
Europe / Tolerance / Religious freedom / History 1500-1700 1 View Records
Europe / Christian literature / Europe / History 1500-1800 / Illustration / Middle Europe 1 View Records
Europe / Confessionalization / Christian literature / Europe / History 1500-1800 / Illustration / Middle Europe / Religious identity 1 View Records
Europe / God / Graphic art / History 1500-1800 / Illustration / Non-Christian religion 1 View Records
Europe / History 1500-1600 / Intellectual / Scientific society 1 View Records
Europe / History 1500-1800 / Intellectual 1 View Records
Glassen, Erika 1934- / Theologian / Iran / Islam / History / Ismail I Iran, Shah 1487-1524 / Safawiden, Dynastie : 1501-1722 1 View Records
Economy / History / Iran 1 View Records
Elamite / Babylon / Findings / History 1600 BC-539 BC / Iran / Kassites / Mesopotamia 1 View Records
Europe / Theology / History 800-1400 / Islam / Islamic philosophy / Arabs 1 View Records
Europe / Transfer of scientific knowledge / Islam / History 1420-1914 1 View Records
Ethnic identity / Turks / Islam / Ottoman Empire / History 1856-1914 / Russia / Religious identity 1 View Records
Europe / Trade / History 1400-1799 / Ottoman Empire / Jews / Commerce 1 View Records
Elam / History 700 BC-500 BC / Iran 1 View Records
Europe / Travel description / Anglo-Catholicism / History 1830-1870 / Reform / Catholic church 1 View Records
Europe / Travel description / Bar-Ṣaumā 1220-1294 / History 1275-1289 / Mission (international law (International law) / China 2 View Records