Esarhaddon Assyria, King -669 BC / Succession to the throne / Loyalty oath / Curse / Subversion / Bible. Deuteronomium 13 / Bible. Deuteronomium 28 1 View Records
Esarhaddon Assyria, King -669 BC / Succession to the throne / Loyalty oath / Curse 1 View Records
Esarhaddon Assyria, King -669 BC / Succession / Curse / Contract / Bible. Ezechiel 37,7 1 View Records
Esarhaddon Assyria, King -669 BC / Succession to the throne / Curse / Contract / Geschichte 672 v. Chr. / King / Assyria 1 View Records
Esarhaddon Assyria, King -669 BC / Succession to the throne / Loyalty oath 2 View Records
Arameans / Safīra / Curse / Inscription / Bible. Deuteronomium 28 1 View Records
4Q175 / Allusion / Bible. Deuteronomium 13 / Curse / Blessing / Old Testament 1 View Records
Ancient Orient / Bible. Deuteronomium 28 / Curse / Reception / Tradition 1 View Records
Assyria / Bible. Deuteronomium 13,9 / Loyalty oath / Old Testament 1 View Records
Anthropology / Bible. Deuteronomium 27,26 / Legislation / Curse / Bible. Galaterbrief 3,10-14 / Paul Apostle / tôrah 1 View Records
Esarhaddon Assyria, King -669 BC / Bible. Deuteronomium 31,9-13 / Assyria / Tell Tayinat 1 View Records
Bible. Deuteronomium 20,5-7 / Bible. Deuteronomium 28,30 / Curse / Maqlû / Martial law (International law) / Ritual / Uselessness / War 1 View Records
Bible. Deuteronomium 28,30 / Curse / Historical background / History / Israel (Antiquity) / War 1 View Records
Bible. Deuteronomium 30,6 / Bible. Deuteronomium 4,29-30 / Blessing / Curse / Divine covenant / Moab, Biblical person 1 View Records
Berakhot (Qumran Scrolls) / Sektenregel (Qumran Scrolls) / Community / Curse / Space / Bible. Deuteronomium 27,12-26 1 View Records
Bible. Deuteronomium 13,2-18 / Bible. Deuteronomium 28,21-44 / Curse 1 View Records
Esarhaddon Assyria, King -669 BC / Succession to the throne / Assyria / Intertextuality / King / Oath / Deuteronomium 2 View Records
Esarhaddon Assyria, King -669 BC / Subversion / Assyria / Influence / Deuteronomium 1 View Records
Esarhaddon Assyria, King -669 BC / Loyalty oath 1 View Records
Bible. Deuteronomium 28 / Bible. Klagelieder 2 / Bible. Klagelieder 4 / Cannibalism / Bible. Könige 2. 6 / Child / Folktale / Mother 1 View Records