Enoch / Bible. Makkabäer 2. / Space / Time / Body / Psyche 1 View Records
Apocrypha / Body / Space / Psyche 2 View Records
Anthropology / Bible. Makkabäer 2. / Space / Old Testament / Body 1 View Records
Enoch 1-36 / Bible. Makkabäer 2. / Bel and the dragon / Antiochus IV Seleucid Empire, King 215 BC-164 BC / Body / 312 BC-64 BC, Seleukiden / Ethnic identity / Identity / Monster / Unmensch 1 View Records
Bible / Philosophy / Space / Time 1 View Records
Infinity / Longing / Space / Time / Philosophy / Psychology / Theology 1 View Records
Bible / Hereafter / Space / Time 1 View Records
Bible / Space / Time 1 View Records
Bible study / Body / Speech act / Church work / Bourdieu, Pierre 1930-2002 / Psyche / Sacrament / Word / Wortführer 1 View Records
Bodiliness / Perception / Space / Time / Spiritual experience 1 View Records
Effect / Body / Story / Anthropology / Narration / Psyche / Power / Narrativity / Psychology / Communication 1 View Records
Bakhtin, Mikhail M. 1895-1975 / Bible. Ijob 1-11 / Space / Time / Dialogical principle 1 View Records
Bible. Genesis 5 / Space / Time 1 View Records
Bible. Samuel 1. 19 / Michal, Biblical person / Space / Time 1 View Records
Body / Death / Space / Job / Metaphor / Psalms / Poetics / Relationship to God / Hebrew language / Spatial turn 1 View Records
Bible. Petrusbrief 1. / Space / Time 3 View Records
Bible. Psalmen 102 / Body / Space / Metaphor / Idea of God 1 View Records
Bible. Psalmen 151 / Body / Space / Cognitive semantics 1 View Records
Europe / Body / Space / Refugee / Sermon / Politics 1 View Records
Arm / Bible. Levitikus 23,22 / Space / Time / Rabbinic literature / Harvest / Mishnah 1 View Records