Derveni-Papyrus / Orpheus, Fictitious character ca. 6.-5. Jh. v. Chr. / Theogony 1 View Records
Derveni-Papyrus / Orphica 1 View Records
Derveni-Papyrus 6 View Records
Derveni-Papyrus / Classical antiquity / Funeral rite / Literalness / Macedonia (Greece) 1 View Records
Derveni-Papyrus / Cosmology 2 View Records
Derveni-Papyrus / Mysteries / Pre-Socratic philosophers 2 View Records
Animal representation / Orpheus, Fictitious character ca. 6.-5. Jh. v. Chr. / Typology / History 170-200 / Mesopotamia (Nord) / Mosaic / Christian art / Christology 1 View Records
Delaunay, Robert 1885-1941 / Orpheus, Fictitious character ca. 6.-5. Jh. v. Chr. 1 View Records
Dionysus Deity / Orpheus, Fictitious character ca. 6.-5. Jh. v. Chr. / Greece (Antiquity) / Idea of God / Apollo 1 View Records
Clementine writings / Orphism / Theogony 1 View Records
Orphism / Theogony 2 View Records
David, Israel, König / Orpheus, Fictitious character ca. 6.-5. Jh. v. Chr. / Gaza / Mosaic / Early Judaism / Synagogue 1 View Records
David, Israel, König / Orpheus, Fictitious character ca. 6.-5. Jh. v. Chr. / Greece (Antiquity) / Christology / Religion 1 View Records
David, Israel, König / Orpheus, Fictitious character ca. 6.-5. Jh. v. Chr. / Musician / Kurgarru / Protest / Psalms 1 View Records
Christology / Orthodox theology / Theogony / Theodicy 2 View Records
Admission / Orpheus, Fictitious character ca. 6.-5. Jh. v. Chr. / Iconography / Motif / Christian art 1 View Records
Aeschylus 525 BC-456 BC / Orpheus, Fictitious character ca. 6.-5. Jh. v. Chr. 1 View Records
Akkad / Cosmology / Theogony / History 2000 BC-500 BC / Human being / Kabti-ilānī-Marduk, Erra-Epos / Myth / Sumer / Eternity / Time 1 View Records
Alexandria / Bible. Sprichwörter 30,15 / Theogony / Hesiodus ca. 8 BC./7. Jh. / Judaism / Proverbs / Hellenism / Translation 1 View Records
Apulia / Orpheus, Fictitious character ca. 6.-5. Jh. v. Chr. / Magna Graecia / Mysteries / Belief in the hereafter / Persephone / Vase 1 View Records