Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen Catholic theological faculty 1 View Records
Education (Christian theology) History of doctrines 16th century 1 View Records
Episcopal Church Relations Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 1 View Records
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Relations Episcopal Church 1 View Records
Potificia comissio codici iuris canonici authentice interpretando 1 View Records
Protestant churches Germany (East) Doctrines History 20th century 1 View Records
Protestant Churches Germany (East) Doctrines History 20th century 1 View Records
Eglise de Jésus-Christ sur la terre par le prophète Simon Kimbangu 1 View Records
Patriarchs and patriarchate (Canon law) Oriental Catholic churches 1 View Records
Ethics Nuklearwaffen Nuklearstrategie Military posture Nuklearkrieg 1 View Records
Pacifism Religious aspects Protestant churches History 20th century 1 View Records
Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland Relations Biserica Ortodoxă Română 1 View Records
EKK, Evangelisch-katholischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament Congresses 1 View Records
Päpstlicher Rat der Seelsorge für die Migranten und Menschen unterwegs 2 View Records
Episcopal Church Relations Evangelical Lutheran Church in America History 1 View Records
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Relations Episcopal Church History 1 View Records
Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland Relations Church of England Congresses 2 View Records
Developing countries Global Civil war Bestimmungsfaktoren von Konflikten Crisis management Bemühungen um Konfliktbeilegung Konfliktbeendigung Verhandlungslösung (Konfliktbeilegung) Friedenerhaltende Maßnahmen Peacebuilding Case study Friedenschaffende Maßnahmen Friedens- und Konfliktforschung 1 View Records
Protestant Churches Relations Germany Catholic Church History 21st century 1 View Records
England Church history 20th century England Biography Church history History 1 View Records