Debt / Church work / Coping / Accident 1 View Records
Debt / Church work / Coping / Child / Parents 1 View Records
Debt / Church work / Faith / Suffering 1 View Records
Debt / Church work / Forgiveness of sins / Guilt feelings 1 View Records
Debt / Church work / Group discussion 1 View Records
Debt / Church work / Practical theology / Protestant theology 2 View Records
Debt / Church work / Psychic trauma 1 View Records
Debt / Church work / Psychotherapy 1 View Records
Debt / Church work / Psychotherapy / Theology 1 View Records
Debt / Church work / Sin 1 View Records
Debt / Client-centered method / Prisoner / Protestant Church / Reconciliation 1 View Records
Debt / Collective guilt / History 1945-1946 / Responsibility / Third Reich 1 View Records
Debt / Collective memory / Ethics / Jews / Responsibility 1 View Records
Debt / Collectivism / Africa / Reconciliation / Sin 1 View Records
Debt / Coming to terms with the past / Christian ethics / Forgiveness / Forgiveness of sins / Political ethics / Wrong 1 View Records
Debt / Coming to terms with the past / Christian ethics / Germany / Jews 1 View Records
Debt / Coming to terms with the past / Church / Ecumenical theology / Peace work / Reconciliation 1 View Records
Debt / Coming to terms with the past / Collective memory 1 View Records
Debt / Coming to terms with the past / Confession / Bund Evangelisch-Freikirchlicher Gemeinden in Deutschland / Geschichte 1984 / National Socialism 1 View Records
Debt / Coming to terms with the past / German language / Germany (DDR) / Literature / Theology 1 View Records