Death / Custom 6 View Records
Death / Custom / Ars moriendi / Funeral / Germany / History 1519-1528 / Reformation 1 View Records
Death / Custom / Assur / History 800 BC-600 BC / Settlement archeology 1 View Records
Death / Custom / Basel-Landschaft / History 1800-1995 1 View Records
Death / Custom / Belarus (West) / Poles (Ost) / Religious identity 1 View Records
Death / Custom / Belief in the hereafter / Funeral rite 1 View Records
Death / Custom / Bezirk Oberbayern / Mourning rites 1 View Records
Death / Custom / Bonpo / Tibet 1 View Records
Death / Custom / Brandgrab / Pre- and early history 2 View Records
Death / Custom / Brittany / History 1600-1983 2 View Records
Death / Custom / Buddhism 1 View Records
Death / Custom / Calvinism 1 View Records
Death / Custom / Catholic church, Diözese Trier 1 View Records
Death / Custom / Celts 1 View Records
Death / Custom / Cemetery / Funeral / History 1519-1630 / Protestantism 1 View Records
Death / Custom / Charitable works / Belief in the hereafter / History 1205-1800 / Legacy / Property / Siena 1 View Records
Death / Custom / Charnel-house / Cemetery / Funerary altar / Grave / Luxembourg / Popular piety / Requiem / Sarcophagus 1 View Records
Death / Custom / China / Ancestor cult / Field-research / Folk religion / Funeral / Hunan / Rural area 1 View Records
Death / Custom / Church / Literature 1 View Records
Death / Custom / Church work / Church funeral service / Funeral / Grief 1 View Records