Conflict / Application / Germany / Islamic law 1 View Records
Conflict / Approbation / Duchy / History 1559-1600 / Jews / Physician / Portaleone, Avraham ben Daṿid 1542-1612 1 View Records
Conflict / Approval requirement / Experiment / Germany / Human rights convention on biomedicine (1997 April 4) / Mentally handicapped person 1 View Records
Conflict / Arabs / Europe / History 1900-2000 / Islam / Political identity / Religious identity 1 View Records
Conflict / Arabs / Evangelical movement / Israel / USA 1 View Records
Conflict / Arabs / Gauthier, Paul 1914-2002 / History 1956-1967 / Israel / Jews / Kibbutz / Zionism 1 View Records
Conflict / Arab Spring / History 1800-2020 / Ḥizb Allāh / Islam / Islamic countries / Middle East conflict / Near East / Reform / Revolution / Sykes-Picot-Abkommen (1916 Mai 16) 1 View Records
Conflict / Arab Spring / History 1906-2020 / Islam / Islamic countries / Islamischer Staat / Middle East conflict / Near East / Reform / Revolution / Sykes-Picot-Abkommen (1916 Mai 16) 1 View Records
Conflict / Arab Spring / Islamischer Staat / Israel / Near East / Palestinian Arabs 1 View Records
Conflict / Arias Montano, Benito 1527-1598 / Hieronymiten / History 1566-1605 / Kloster El Escorial / Religious life 1 View Records
Conflict / Aristoteles 384 BC-322 BC, Metaphysica / Hasler, Johannes 1548-1593 / History 1574-1575 / Reception / Theological cognition theory / Trinity 1 View Records
Conflict / Aristotelism / Galilei, Galileo 1564-1642 / History 1600-1650 / Natural sciences / Philosophy 1 View Records
Conflict / Aristotelism / History 1250-1350 / Political ethics / Scholasticism 1 View Records
Conflict / Armenia / History 1604-1618 / Political identity / Religious identity 1 View Records
Conflict / Armenians / Genocide / History 1999-2000 / Lepsius, Johannes 1858-1926 / Ottoman Empire / Potsdam / Remembrance 1 View Records
Conflict / Arnauld, Antoine 1612-1694 / History 1656-1668 / Jansenism / Jansenius, Cornelius 1585-1638, Augustinus seu doctrina sancti Augustini de humanae naturae sanitate, aegritudine, medicina adversus Pelagianos et Massilienses / Orthodoxy 1 View Records
Conflict / Arndt, Johann 1555-1621, Vom wahren Christentum / Francke, August Hermann 1663-1727 / History 1689-1697 / Mysticism / Pietism 1 View Records
Conflict / Arnold of Morimond / Bernard, Clairvaux, Abt, Heiliger 1090-1153 / Abbot / Geschichte 1124 / Kloster Morimond / Relinquishment of office / Zisterzienser 1 View Records
Conflict / Arnstadt / Geschichte 1544 / Pastor 1 View Records
Conflict / Asbury Theological Seminary (Wilmore, Ky.) / History 1942-1951 / Liberal theology / Methodism / Thompson, Claude 1 View Records