customary law in Judaism conflicts of laws Halakhah halakhic validity of civil law 1 View Records
China Ethnic relations China China Tibet Autonomous Region China Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu 2 View Records
Case study Afghanistan Lebanon Egypt Sudan Pakistan Morocco Iran Humaini, Ruhallah Musawi 1 View Records
Church history studies Church policy Kalter Krieg Anti-communism Mission (international law 1 View Records
Culture conflict Religious aspects Christianity History of doctrines Early church, ca. 30-600 1 View Records
church conflict schism church and sexuality Episcopal Church, conflict in congregational studies 1 View Records
Civil war Bemühungen um Konfliktbeilegung Religious organization Konfliktmanagement Arbitration / Mediation Verhandlungslösung (Konfliktbeilegung) Peace maintainance Friedens- und Konfliktforschung 1 View Records
Commonwealth of Independent States Politisch-gesellschaftliches Bewusstsein Islamization Islam and politics Bedrohungsvorstellungen (Gesellschaft) Terrorism Stabilität in der internationalen Sicherheit 1 View Records
Case Studies India Middle East conflict Successor states of Yugoslavia Iraq Women Public opinion Mass media 1 View Records
Cuba Contemporary history Kubakrise (1962) Kalter Krieg (Ost-West-Konflikt) Vereinigte Staaten Soviet Union 1 View Records
Christianity North America South America Brazil Europe Anarchism Communism Socialism Imperialism Independence 1 View Records
Case study Nigeria India Middle East conflict Nachfolgestaaten Jugoslawiens Iraq Frauen Public opinion Mass media 1 View Records
Central Asia Kirghizia Uzbekistan Russian Federation People's Republic of China Religious fundamentalism Separatism Civil wars 1 View Records
Christology Council of Chalcedon Late antique papacy Leo I, pope papal letters social conflict theory Symmachus, pope Zosimus, pope 1 View Records
Catholic church Protestant Church Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania Christen Muslime Civil society Konfliktmanagement Gute Regierungsführung 1 View Records
Civil Wars Conflict potential Escalation of conflicts De-escalation of conflicts Armed conflicts Religious conflicts Conflict management Termination of conflicts 1 View Records
Civil war Global Religious conflict Theory formation Political platform Religiöser Fundamentalismus Religiöses Oberhaupt Religious movement Religious party Strategy Tactics 1 View Records
China History History of religion studies Secret society Wirtschaftsreformen Communist Party of China Chinesische Kommunistische Partei KP China Democratization Civil society 1 View Records
Catholic church Protestantism Anglican Church Presbyterian Church Methodisten Religiöse Lehre Religiöse Praxis Ethnic conflict Innenpolitischer Konflikt Geschichtlicher Überblick 1 View Records
Côte d'Ivoire Geistliche Christliche Kirche Catholic church Haltung von Religionsgemeinschaften zu politischen Einzelfragen Verhältnis Religionsgemeinschaft - Staat Innenpolitische Lage / Development Innenpolitischer Konflikt 1 View Records