Catholic church / Theology / History 1900-1960 / Natural sciences 1 View Records
Classical studies / Theology / History 1900-1914 / Patristics 1 View Records
Concept of / Theology / History 1914-1932 / Barth, Karl 1886-1968 1 View Records
Concept of / Theology / History 1990-2000 / Science of Religion / Religion 1 View Records
Community / Architecture / History 1925-1955 1 View Records
Community / Aurobindo 1872-1950 / History 1910-2010 / Individual / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1 View Records
Community / Church law / History 1954-1955 / Accra / Legal order / Organization / Presbyterian Church of the Gold Coast 2 View Records
Controversy / Theology / History 1936-1950 / Jesuits / Hurtado Cruchaga, Alberto 1901-1952 / Université catholique de Louvain, Faculté de Théologie 1 View Records
Cooperation / Theology / History 1950-1999 / Science of Religion / USA 1 View Records
Condemnation / Theology / History 1927-1950 / Chenu, Marie-Dominique 1895-1990 / Catholic church / Draguet, René 1896-1980 / Charlier, Louis 1898-1981 / Reform / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Glaubenslehre 1 View Records
College / Theology / History 1800-1900 / USA 1 View Records
Colloquy / Theology / History 1520-1700 / Politics 1 View Records
Conflict / Theology / History 1598-1600 / Caselius, Johannes 1533-1613 / Hofmann, Daniel 1538-1611 / Philology / Academia Julia / Truth 1 View Records
Constance / Theology / History 1450-1550 / Piety / Prehistory / Reformation / Reformation / Pamphlet 1 View Records
Cosmology / Theology / History 1100-1200 / School of philosophy, Chartres 1 View Records
Cosmology / Theology / History 1100-1200 / School of philosophy, Chartres / Philosophy 1 View Records
Cosmology / Theology / History 1700-1900 / Great Britain / Astronomer 1 View Records
Council / Theology / History 1378-1521 1 View Records
Council / Theology / History 1518-1555 / Imperial constitution / Politics / Germany 1 View Records
Council / Theology / History 1650-1660 / Politics / Quakers / God 1 View Records