Commemoration of the dead / Culture / Funeral / Roman Empire 1 View Records
Commemoration of the dead / Culture / History 1 View Records
Commemoration of the dead / Custom / Alms / Death / Dying person / Purgatory / Redemption / Will 1 View Records
Commemoration of the dead / Custom / Death / Diözese Lüttich / History 1000-1300 1 View Records
Commemoration of the dead / Custom / England / Gift / History 1300-1500 1 View Records
Commemoration of the dead / Custom / Funeral / History / Roman Empire 3 View Records
Commemoration of the dead / Custom / Funeral / Roman Empire 1 View Records
Commemoration of the dead / Dead person / Help / History 1200-1500 / Intercession / Manner of living / Popular piety 1 View Records
Commemoration of the dead / Death / Funeral / Historical background / Rise of / Ritual 1 View Records
Commemoration of the dead / Death / Germanic peoples / Immortality / Law / Mythology 1 View Records
Commemoration of the dead / Death notice / Germany 1 View Records
Commemoration of the dead / Deir al-Abiad / Eucharistic Prayer / Intercession / Sexual abstinence 1 View Records
Commemoration of the dead / Devotio moderna / History 1486-1500 / Netherlands (Süd) / Spiritual life 1 View Records
Commemoration of the dead / Diözese Utrecht / History 1400-1600 1 View Records
Commemoration of the dead / Distrikt Surat / Indigenous peoples / Memorial plaque / Memorial stone 1 View Records
Commemoration of the dead / Divine office / History 1159-1173 / Kloster Montecassino / Liturgical manuscript 1 View Records
Commemoration of the dead / Dom Schwerin (Schwerin) / Geschichte Anfänge-1995 / Heinrich, III., der Löwe, Sachsen, Herzog 1129-1195 1 View Records
Commemoration of the dead / Donations / History 1700-1917 / Nobility / Russia / Russisch-Orthodoxe Kirche 1 View Records
Commemoration of the dead / Ecumenical theology / Mass 1 View Records
Commemoration of the dead / England / History 1480-1630 2 View Records