Cluny / Abbot / Biography 1 View Records
Abbot / Angerer, Joachim F. 1934-2019 / Biography 1 View Records
Abbot / Biography / England / Geschichte 1185 / Henry, Brigant / John, de Forda, Vita Wulfrici / Zisterzienser 1 View Records
Abbot / Biography / History 1200-1300 / Stift Mariagaard 1 View Records
Cluny / Alfred, Wessex, König 849-899 / Bishop / Church history studies 900-1000 / Eduard, Wessex, König 871-924 / Italy / Monastery / New Year's Eve, II., Pope 950-1003 / Otto, I., Heiliges Römisches Reich, Kaiser 912-973 / Pope / Protestant theology / Saint / Saint Gall / School / Science / Woman 2 View Records
Clergy / Catholic church, Diözese Elbląg / Biography / History 1821-1945 1 View Records
Clergy / Catholic church, Diözese Tarnów / Biography / History 1786-1985 1 View Records
Catholic church / Abbot / Bishop / Cunning / History 900-1250 / Political action / Religious life 1 View Records
Church leadership / Abbot / Bishop / Consideration / Cunning / History 1200-1500 1 View Records
Clergyperson / Assault / Biography / Dossenheim / Drunkenness / Heidelberg-Handschuhsheim / Plitt, Jakob Theodor 1815-1886 / Report 1 View Records
Canaan / Asia (Nordwest) / Biography / Autobiography / Alalach / Idrimi, Alalach, König ca. 2. Hälfte 15 BC. Jh. / Inscription / Karatepe (Cilicia) / Mesha Moab, King / Victory stele 1 View Records
Collection / Art / Biography / History 1400-1980 1 View Records
Coptic Church / al- Kanīsa al-Qibṭīya al-Urṯūḏuksīya / Biography / Copts / Alexandria / Egypt / Griechisch-Orthodoxe Kirche von Alexandrien / Kīrullus, Ǧūrǧ Ḥalīm / Patriarchate (Church) 1 View Records
Cardinal / Afrikamissionare - Weisse Väter / Biography / Catholic church / Archbishop / Algiers / Bishop / Africa / Arab countries / France / Institutum Sororum a Nostra Domina de Africa / Lavigerie, Charles Martial Allemand 1825-1892 / Missionary order / North Africa 1 View Records
Copy / Autobiography / Biography / Schlatter, Georg Friedrich 1799-1875 1 View Records
China / Australian woman / Biography / Christianity / Armed conflict / History 1893-1949 / Missionary woman 1 View Records
Censorship / Author / Biography / Jesus Christus / John / John Evangelist / Roman Empire / Socrates 469 BC-399 BC / Stoa 1 View Records
Cult / Acts of the Apostles / Biography / Dionysius Halicarnassensis ca. 1 BC.Jh. / Gender / Historiography / Josephus, Flavius 37-100 / Political speech / Stranger 1 View Records
Catholic church, Diözese Fulda / Abbot / Bishop / Catholic church, Diözese Fulda / Abbot / Bishop / Fulda / History / Hochstift Fulda 1 View Records
Cluny / Algerus, Leodiensis 1070-1132 / Church history studies 1000-1150 / Justice / Mercy 1 View Records