Clergy / Office / History 1200-1500 / Religion 1 View Records
Clergy / Office-holder / Administration / Balduin, Trier, Erzbischof, Kurfürst 1285-1354 1 View Records
Clergy / Office-holder / Catholic church, Diözese Trier / Administration 1 View Records
Clergy / Office-holder / Erzstift Trier / Administration 1 View Records
Clergy / Offense / Catholic church / Criminal prosecution / Legal status / Church / State 1 View Records
Clergy / Offense / Catholic church / Derogation / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Glaubenslehre / Power (Theology) / Statute of limitations 1 View Records
Clergy / Offense / Catholic church / History 1800-1840 / Germany / Punishment 1 View Records
Clergy / Official attire / Canon law / Catholic church 1 View Records
Clergy / Official attire / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Codex iuris canonici (1983). 284 1 View Records
Clergy / Oléron / French Revolution / Île d'Aix / Deportation / Rochefort (Charente-Maritime) (Region) 1 View Records
Clergy / Oradea / History 1440-1526 1 View Records
Clergy / Order / Abuse / Sexual abuse / Woman 1 View Records
Clergy / Order / Canon law 1 View Records
Clergy / Order / Canon law / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Codex iuris canonici (1983). 1-203 / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Codex iuris canonici (1983). 204-746 / Church criminal law / Church teaching office / Association / Layman / Marriage law / Marriage process / Canonical process / Particular church / Possessions / Procedural law / Sacrament 1 View Records
Clergy / Order / Canon law / Gratianus, de Clusio -1158, Decretum / Parish work 1 View Records
Clergy / Order / Canon law / Layman 1 View Records
Clergy / Order / Catholic church, Diözese Passau / History 1761-1826 / Church work / Popular piety 1 View Records
Clergy / Order / Church reform / History / Tridentinum (1545-1563 : Trient) 4 View Records
Clergy / Order / Community of Apostolic Life / Minor / Religious / Sexual abuse 1 View Records
Clergy / Order / Crusades / Kirchengeschichte 1215 / Laterankonzil 4. (1215 : Rom) / Jews 1 View Records