Clergy / Apostolate / Clergyperson 1 View Records
Clergy / Abruzzi / Catholic church / History 1958-1978 1 View Records
Clergy / Abuse / Church congregation / Conflict management / Professional ethics 1 View Records
Clergy / Abuse / Constitution / Liability / Supervision / USA 1 View Records
Clergy / Abuse / Order / Sexual abuse / Woman 1 View Records
Clergy / Academic / History 1550-1650 / Mainz / Scholar's library 1 View Records
Clergy / Acceptance / Behavior / USA 1 View Records
Clergy / Acceptance / Church renewal / Evangelical movement / USA 1 View Records
Clergy / Acceptance / Effects / Ethnic identity / Layman / Old person (60-90 years) / Self-worth appreciation / USA 1 View Records
Clergy / Accident / Church discipline / Canon law / History 500-1300 / Killing 1 View Records
Clergy / Actualization / Catholic church / The Postmodern 1 View Records
Clergy / Administration / Balduin, Trier, Erzbischof, Kurfürst 1285-1354 / Office-holder 1 View Records
Clergy / Administration / Catholic church, Diözese Trier / Office-holder 1 View Records
Clergy / Administration / Egypt (Antiquity) / Greek language / Papyrus / Roman Empire 1 View Records
Clergy / Administration / Erzstift Trier / Office-holder 1 View Records
Clergy / Administration / Faculty 1 View Records
Clergy / Adoption / Celibacy / Canon law / Minor 1 View Records
Clergy / Adult / Catholic church / Sexual abuse 1 View Records
Clergy / Adult / Church work / Blacks / The Americas / USA / Whites 1 View Records
Clergy / Adultery prohibition / Child pornography / Canon law 1 View Records