Church of England / Clergy 1 View Records
Church of England / Clergy / England / Faith content / Spiritual life 1 View Records
Church of England / Clergy / Idea of God / Religiosity / Wells, H. G. 1866-1946, God, the invisible king / Wells, H. G. 1866-1946, Mr. Britling sees it through 1 View Records
Church of England / Clergyperson / Daughter / Father / Great Britain / History 1800-1920 / Imprinting / Social position / Woman 1 View Records
Church of England / Clergyperson / Christian ethics / Ecclesiology / Liturgy / Personality / Teaching 1 View Records
Church of England / Clergyperson / Church policy / Committee / History 1681-1684 / Promotion 1 View Records
Church of England / Clergyperson / Conservatism / Liberalism / Society 1 View Records
Church of England / diakonia / Health care / New Testament / Service 1 View Records
Church authority / Clergy / Diocese / Catholic church / Bishop / German language area / History 1803-1962 1 View Records
Church discipline / Clergy / Diocese / Church leadership / Bishop / England / History 1200-1300 / Reward 2 View Records
Church work / Clergy / Diocese / Catholic church / History 1815-1850 / Popular piety / Rhineland 1 View Records
Church of England / Church office / Divorce / History 2001-2013 / Religious change / Sexual orientation / Woman 1 View Records
Church of England / Canon / Diözese Exeter / History 1541-1857 1 View Records
Church / Clergy / Disease / Canon law / Arbeitsunfähigkeit / Fragility / Germany / History 1378-1550 / Physical disability / Scandinavia 1 View Records
Church of England / Controversy / Dissenters / Great Britain / History 1668-1680 1 View Records
Church of England / Church history studies 1688-1690 / Dissenter 1 View Records
Church office / Clergy / Canon law / Catholic church / Layman / Participation 1 View Records
Church office / Clergy / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Codex canonum ecclesiarum orientalium / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Codex Iuris Canonici (1983) / Inter-confessional dialogue 1 View Records
Church office / Clergy / Catholic church / Layman 4 View Records
Church office / Clergy / Catholic church / Layman / Parish work 1 View Records