Church law / State law of churches 9 View Records
Church law / State law of churches / Canon law 1 View Records
Church law / State law of churches / Canon law jurisprudence 1 View Records
Church law / State law of churches / Catholic church, Erzdiözese Vaduz 1 View Records
Church law / State law of churches / Catholic church / Switzerland 1 View Records
Church law / State law of churches / Church / Law / State / History 800-1517 1 View Records
Church law / State law of churches / Church building / Germany / Property management / Real estate management / Afteruse / Theology 2 View Records
Church law / State law of churches / Church funeral service / Catholic church / Legal status / Orthodox Church / Protestant Church / Cemetery 1 View Records
Church law / State law of churches / Church membership 1 View Records
Church law / State law of churches / Church membership / Old Catholic Church / Canon law 1 View Records
Church law / State law of churches / Church membership / Protestant Church / Germany 1 View Records
Church law / State law of churches / Church office / Ecumene / Marriage law / Protestant Church / Catholic church 1 View Records
Church law / State law of churches / Church records / Germany / Church archive 1 View Records
Church law / State law of churches / Church reform / France / Gallicanism / History 1450-1570 / Absolutism 2 View Records
Church law / State law of churches / Clergyperson / Germany / Political activity / Prohibition / Austria 1 View Records
Church law / State law of churches / Confessionalization / Germany / History 1555-1806 / Imperial constitution / Effects 1 View Records
Church law / State law of churches / Constitutional rights guarantee / Germany / Pastoral conversation / Protestant Church / Seal of confession / Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland / State law of churches 1 View Records
Church law / State law of churches / Customary law / Germany / Protestant Church / Canon law 1 View Records
Church law / State law of churches / Diaconia 1 View Records
Church law / State law of churches / Faith 2 View Records