Christianity / World religion / Theology of religions 1 View Records
Christianity / World religion / Theology / Church history studies / Mission (international law 1 View Records
Christianity / World religion / Theology / Church history studies / Science of Religion 1 View Records
Christianity / World religion / Theodicy 2 View Records
Christianity / World religion / The Other / Mission (international law / History 1600-2000 / Acculturation 1 View Records
Christianity / World religion / Taoism / Architectural form / Hinduism / Islam / Judaism / Buddhism / Architecture 1 View Records
Christianity / World religion / Tolerance / Hinduism / Islam / Judaism / Ethics / Vereinte Nationen, Verfasserschaft1, Charter of the United Nations / Buddhism 1 View Records
Christianity / World religion / Truth 1 View Records
Christianity / Wessels, Antonie 1937- / Theology of religions / Non-Christian religion / Mission (international law / Interfaith dialogue 1 View Records
Christianity / World religion / Troeltsch, Ernst 1865-1923 / Schell, Herman 1850-1906 1 View Records
Christianity / World religion / Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre 1881-1955 / China 1 View Records
Christianity / Affiliation with / Theology of religions / Religion / Religious identity / Interfaith dialogue 1 View Records
Christianity / Althaus, Paul 1888-1966 / Theology of religions / Religious pluralism 1 View Records
Christianity / Analytic philosophy / Theology of religions / Islam / Lindbeck, George A. 1923-2018 / Interfaith dialogue 2 View Records
Christianity / Barth, Karl 1886-1968, Die kirchliche Dogmatik / Theology of religions / Non-Christian religion / Interfaith dialogue 1 View Records
Christianity / Bongardt, Michael 1959- / Theology of religions / Paul, Gregor 1947- / Schmidt-Leukel, Perry 1954- / Exclusivity 1 View Records
Christianity / Bonhoeffer, Dietrich 1906-1945 / Theology of religions 1 View Records
Christianity / Buddhism / Theology of religions / Comparative religion / Islam 1 View Records
Christianity / Catholic church / Theology of religions / Interfaith dialogue / Buddhism 1 View Records
Christianity / Catholic theology / Theology of religions / Non-Christian religion 2 View Records