Colombia / Peace efforts 1 View Records
Coming to terms with the past 7 View Records
command and obedience 1 View Records
Commemoration day / End of a war / Germany / History 1945-1985 / World War 1 View Records
Communism 1 View Records
Communism and religion Vietnam 1 View Records
Concept of / History / Just war 1 View Records
Conference of German Bishops / Fuldaer Bischofskonferenz / Deutsche Bischofskonferenz 3 View Records
Confidence 1 View Records
Conflict 12 View Records
Conflict / Geschichte 2006 / Israel / Palestinian Arabs 1 View Records
Conflict / Interfaith dialogue / Israel / Overcoming of / Palestinian Arabs 1 View Records
Conflict analysis 1 View Records
Conflict analysis / Minority question 1 View Records
Conflict management 1 View Records
Conflict Management 1 View Records
Conflict Management Religious aspects 1 View Records
conflict prevention / prevention of war 9 View Records
conflict research 4 View Records
Conflict research 4 View Records