Care of the sick 3 View Records
Care of the sick History Exhibitions 1 View Records
Care of the sick History 1 View Records
Care of the sick Religious aspects Islam 2 View Records
Card games / History 1400-1700 1 View Records
Card games (Motif) / History 1400-1700 / Art 1 View Records
Carinthia / History / Protestantism 1 View Records
Catholic church / History 1501-1600 / Vilnius 1 View Records
Catholic church / History 1795-1918 / Poles 1 View Records
Calvinism / History 1 View Records
Catholic church, Diözese Paderborn / History 1000-1050 1 View Records
Catholic church, Diözese Halberstadt / History 804-1648 / Halberstadt <2004> 1 View Records
Calvin, Jean 1509-1564 / History / Geneva / Reformation 1 View Records
Cathedral (Regensburg) / History / Organist 1 View Records
Christian art / History 1100-1200 / Diego, Santiago de Compostela, Erzbischof 1069-1140 / Pilgrimage / Santiago de Compostela 1 View Records
Christian art / History 1400-1900 / Europe 1 View Records
Christian art / History 300-2000 / Hungary 1 View Records
Christian art / History 500-1500 / Convent / Germany 1 View Records
Christian art / History 600-1500 / Culture / Convent 1 View Records
Christianity / History 1450-1850 / Balkan peninsula 1 View Records