Câmara, Hélder *1909-1999* 1 View Records
Câmara, Hélder 1909-1999 43 View Records
Câmara, Hélder 1909-1999 / Biography 1 View Records
Câmara, Hélder 1909-1999 / Catholic church / Brazil 1 View Records
Câmara, Hélder 1909-1999 / Catholic church / Brazil (Nordost) / History 1955-1985 / Poverty 1 View Records
Câmara, Hélder 1909-1999 / Catholic church / Correspondence / History 1970-1978 / Latin America / Liberation theology / Pellegrino, Michele 1903-1986 / Priest 1 View Records
Câmara, Hélder 1909-1999 / Catholic church / Diözese Olinda e Recife / History 1955-1985 / Poverty 1 View Records
Câmara, Hélder 1909-1999 / Catholicism / Brazil / Conservatism / Progressiveness / Sigaud, Geraldo de Proença 1909-1999 / Vatican Council 2. (1962-1965 : Vatikanstadt) 1 View Records
Câmara, Hélder 1909-1999 / Comblin, José 1923-2011 / Conferencia General del Episcopado Latinoamericano 2. (1968 : Medellin) 1 View Records
Câmara, Hélder 1909-1999 / Conferencia General del Episcopado Latinoamericano 2. (1968 : Medellin) / History 1962-1970 / Iglesia popular / Liberation theology / Political literature / Scholarly publishing 1 View Records
Câmara, Hélder 1909-1999 / Correspondence / Edition / History 1962-1965 / Vatican Council 2. (1962-1965 : Vatikanstadt) 1 View Records
Câmara, Hélder 1909-1999 / Creation / Relationship to God 1 View Records
Câmara, Hélder 1909-1999 / Diözese Olinda e Recife / History 1964-1985 1 View Records
Câmara, Hélder 1909-1999 / Experience account / Vatican Council 2. (1962-1965 : Vatikanstadt) 1 View Records
Câmara, Hélder 1909-1999 / Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand 1869-1948 / King, Martin Luther 1929-1968 / Lanza del Vasto, Joseph Jean 1901-1981 / Non-violent resistance 1 View Records
Câmara, Hélder 1909-1999 / Latin America / Liberation theology / Option for the poor / Political theology 1 View Records
Câmara, Hélder 1909-1999 / Meditation 2 View Records
Câmara, Hélder 1909-1999 / Memorial service 1 View Records
Câmara, Hélder 1909-1999 / Poverty / Solidarity 1 View Records
Câmara, Hélder 1909-1999 / Riobé, Guy 1911-1978 1 View Records