Buddhism / Christianity / Interreligiosity 5 View Records
Buddhism / Christianity / Interreligiosity / China / Collection / Confucianism / Handwriting / Interpretation of / Chinese language / Nestorianerstele von Xi'an / Nestorianism / Nestorius, Constantinopolitanus ca. um 381-451 / Silk Road / Simile / Tang Dynasty / Taoism / Theology / Translation 1 View Records
Buddhism / Christianity / Interreligiosity / Comparison of religions / Sri Lanka 2 View Records
Buddhism / Christianity / Interreligiosity / Interfaith dialogue / Ecumene / Islam / Judaism 2 View Records
Buddhism / Christology / Interreligiosity / Theology of religions 2 View Records
Buddhism / Christianity / Interaction / Desideri, Ippolito 1684-1733 / Tibet 2 View Records
Buddhism / Christianity / Interfaith dialogue 91 View Records
Buddhism / Christianity / Interfaith dialogue / Abe, Masao 1915-2006 1 View Records
Buddhism / Christianity / Interfaith dialogue / Abe, Masao 1915-2006 / Kenosis 1 View Records
Buddhism / Christianity / Interfaith dialogue / Abe, Masao 1915-2006 / Kyoto School 1 View Records
Buddhism / Christianity / Interfaith dialogue / Advaita 1 View Records
Buddhism / Christianity / Interfaith dialogue / Art / Sri Lanka 1 View Records
Buddhism / Christianity / Interfaith dialogue / Asia 6 View Records
Buddhism / Christianity / Interfaith dialogue / Baha'i faith / Hinduism / Islam / Judaism 1 View Records
Buddhism / Christianity / Interfaith dialogue / Balthasar, Hans Urs von 1905-1988 / Hereafter 1 View Records
Buddhism / Christianity / Interfaith dialogue / Balthasar, Hans Urs von 1905-1988 / Meditation / Taoism 1 View Records
Buddhism / Christianity / Interfaith dialogue / Baptism / Asia / Mission (international law 1 View Records
Buddhism / Christianity / Interfaith dialogue / Benedictines / Hospitality 1 View Records
Buddhism / Christianity / Interfaith dialogue / Berlin / Event / Sölle, Dorothee 1929-2003 / Thích-Nhất-Hạnh 1926-2022 2 View Records
Buddhism / Christianity / Interfaith dialogue / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 26,17-30 / Passion 1 View Records